Some neighborhoods to consider staying in are: Polanco, Roma, La Condesa, Reforma, Chapultepec, El Centro Histórico, El Zócalo, Juárez, and La Zona Rosa. These encompass a large area and are where many of the main attractions are. Coyoacán and Xochimilco are two other areas on the south...
The Brazilian Real is the currency in Brazil and it is very cheap to the US dollar. You need approximately 200 R$ to 300 R$ per day. When exchanging the money, you can find better rates at shops with the sign “Cambios”. Weather ...
Most of the serious crimes committed in The Bahamas center largely in Nassau (New Providence). Violent crime, such as sexual assault, robberies and gang violence, tends to happen most in Nassau’s “Over-the-Hill” neighborhoods and are mainly targeted to Bahamians. If, however, you find you...
didn’t wear particularly short skirts in the 70’s, I don’t drink and NEVER have done drugs so .. I never found myself in compromising situations. I never hesitate to walk even at night in Athens. I DO stay away from neighborhoods I don’t belong in....