Find out how you canmake your own DIY Mosquito Traphere orbrowse mosquito traps on Amazon(<-affiliate link). 5. Natural bug sprays There are a ton of great , natural buy repellent sprays out there. I spritz the dogs and I with it, but I also spray our patio chairs, umbrellas and an...
Add a few drops of citrus, eucalyptus, frankincense, peppermint, or tea tree oil to water and store in a spray bottle to make insect repellent or “bug spray”. Essential oils can be used to make a room freshener naturally. Put essential oils in a diffuser when sick. Frankincense helps c...
Be ready to have all people and pets to vacate the premises: We typically require an 8 hour re-entry time for our bed bug treatments. Depending on the size of property and type of services being performed, these times can vary. Please consult with the on-site professionals. Bed Bug Follo...
“We’ve had Green Guard Pest Control for many years. They are the best.” Janice and Ed B. Get a Quick Quote Trusted Locally by Pest controlis a process.We’veperfectedours! Perimeter Guard We use our advanced barrier spray on the foundation and surrounding perimeter of your home. This...
For example, bug sprays containing DEET aren’t safe for babies less than 2 months old. For children between 2 months and 2 years old, use 10% DEET. This should work for 2 hours. Don’t spray DEET near the eyes or mouth, or on sunburns, rashes, or clothes. If your baby sucks th...
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