Meclizine and dimenhydrinate, as antiemetics in vertigo attacks; metoclopramide, vitamin B 6 and ginger rhizome, alternatively. Low-dose diazepam and diuretics in severe cases of Meniere's disease (with caution). Systemic administration of prednisone and prednisolone can be considered in selected cases...
Use of antiemetics in children with acute gastroenteritis: Are they safe and effective? Although studies are limited, early research suggests the medication is safe when used in a single dose and can be effective to prevent vomiting, the ... J Manteuffel - 《Journal of Emergencies Trauma & Sh...
While the evidence of pineapple juice increasing breast milk in a lactating woman might not be conclusively proved, there are many other benefits of consuming this fruit for a mother and her baby. ADVERTISEMENT The presence of various substances in pineapple that contain antiemetic and diuretic ...