从发展的角度整合多个团队的努力使所有团队的努力与组织的业务目标保持一致与项目团队之外的其他相关工作进行协调,并向管理层提供跟踪和进度报告 开发集成视角和业务集成视角都有优点,在将 Agile/Scrum 扩展到大型、复杂项目时都需要考虑,并且可能需要解决上述所有挑战才能创建大型、复杂、多团队敏捷项目成功的。扩展敏捷...
Theagile scrum developmentapproach, which is represented by different cycles of development, is among the most prominent examples of agile methodology. Scrum divides the stages of development into units known as "sprints," which are cycles or stages. Each sprint's development period is optimized an...
Agile 是我比较喜欢的做事法则,能适配很多需要adaptive approach工作场景。 Agile 是一种思维,即 ever changing context --> adapt the approach to fit the problem in the certain context。主张适配(拥抱,变化,适配)over prediction and control。 Agile并不是scrum,SAFE,DAD等等pattern,有点像武功心法和fix招式...
Of these, Scrum is by all accounts the most popular, so we’ll focus there. For the most part, all Agile methodologies have certain things in common – they use timeboxes, which Agile Alliance describes as “a previously agreed period of time during which a person or a team works ...
Wil je meer achtergrondinformatie over enkele van de belangrijkste frameworks voor het schalen van agile? Bekijk de overzichtspaginaAgile op schaalin de Agile Coach. SAFe vs. Scrum@Scale In Scrum@Scale (S@S) maakt iedereen deel uit van een uitwisselbaar scrumteam. Afhankelijk van hun doe...
SAFe vs. DA Unlike the rest of the frameworks described, Disciplined Agile (DA) is a toolkit that enables organizations to decide what way of working makes the most sense to fit them. It offers lightweight agile governance which is rooted in Scrum and Kanban, along with transformation knowledg...
LeSS由Craig Larman和Bas Vodde共同设计,框架基于Scrum进行扩展,通过大大量的实践经验,糅合精益思想沉淀而成,支持企业以敏捷的方式进行大型产品研发,是一个轻量级的规模化敏捷框架。 1.3SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) (图3:SAFe框架的组件透视图) SAFe的设计和主要方法论由Dean Leffingwell主导,是另一个流行的规模化敏...
The SAFe Roadmap that guides an organization on their adoption of the framework. © Scaled Agile, Inc. Is SAFe®A Methodology or Framework? As it is indicated in its very name, SAFe is a highly adaptable framework. As it is being widely used by at least1,000,000 practitioners and 20...
如果您有興趣使用 Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe®),您可以設定 Azure Boards 專案來追蹤 SAFe® 交付專案。 就像 Azure Boards 支援 Scrum 和 Agile 做法一樣,它可以支援 SAFe® 和大量小組,共同處理跨越發行的 Epics。本教學課程說明下列 SAFe® 成品如何對應至特定的 Azure Boards 成品。
Practice Agile provides high standard scrum master training and agile software development. They have professional Scrum developers who provide quality training to the participants and manage projects.