SAFe(Scaled Agile Framework)框架是一种大规模敏捷开发框架,它包括多个层次和组件,提供了一个完整的、可重复使用的开发流程,旨在帮助组织以一种更加协调的方式交付高质量的软件产品。以下是SAFe框架的完整的开发流程、工具和方法的详细阐述。 建立组织层(The Organizational Level):SAFe框架的第一步是建立组织层,这是...
什么是SAFe?SAFe(Scaled Agile Framework)是全球运用最广泛的大规模敏捷框架。SAFe由Dean Leffingwell创建,从2011年发布的SAFe1.0开始,到目前已经演进到了SAFe6.0版本
Delivering and optimizing value at the Team and Program level through effective Product Ownership using the Scaled Agile Framework Develop the skill sets needed to guide the delivery of value in a Lean enterprise—and learn about the activities, tools, and mechanics used to manage backlogs and prog...
企业敏捷 Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) 是一个大规模敏捷框架,它不仅包括团队敏捷,还包括了价值流、投资组合、项目集等层级的敏捷管理方法和架构。常规的敏捷框架适用于中小型项目团队,而且不具有扩展性。基于常规的敏捷框架,SAFe 定义了一个可扩展的敏捷框架模型,它适用于大型团队的合作开发,可以帮助提高团队之间的...
在第三层团队层:由产品负责人(Product Owner)和团队成员根据上面的定义细化出用户故事(User Story)和验收标准,开发团队可以从候选的用户故事里面优先选择可以提前开始的内容,其余的留到故事池里面等待后续的选择。 名词解释 1.Agile release train ART,敏捷发布火车 ...
How Disney Implemented Scaled Agile Framework®? Scaling Agile Practices – Improve Business Outcomes: Customer Centricity and Design Thinking Roles And Responsibilities Of A SAFe® Product Owner How To Implement Lean Portfolio Management? Top 5 scaling Agile Practice that Improves Business ...
SAFe(Scaled Agile Framework)是全球运用最广泛的大规模敏捷框架。SAFe融合了精益、敏捷和DevOps,它是一个知识库,囊括了大量已被证明的精益敏捷实践和能力。SAFe诞生于2011年,短短12时间,全球已经有超过120万SAFe认证专业人士,并且持续保持快速增长,得到了全球越来越多专人人士的认可。在全球有超过20000家知名企业巨头...
Learn how product owners and product managers should work together to achieve the best possible customer and business outcomes. The SAFe POPM course will teach you how to adopt a customer-centric approach to building products, using the Scaled Agile Framework® to deliver more value, faster. ...
The SAFe Product Owner/Product Manager exam is not provided as a substitute for formal training. 4. Who provides the SAFe POPM certification? Scaled Agile, Inc. is the provider of the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®), the most popular method for scaling agile at the enterprise level....
Learn how product owners and product managers should work together to achieve the best possible customer and business outcomes. The SAFe POPM course will teach you how to adopt a customer-centric approach to building products, using the Scaled Agile Framework® to deliver more value, faster. To...