SAFe官网: SAFe组织 SAFe 网站(为精益、敏捷,以及DevOps提供一个免费使用的知识库,该知识库是经过验证的、集成的原则和实践。学习和认证(一个全面的基于角色的课程体系用于成功地实施 SAFe,包括13 门课程和认证。 SAFe 社区平台...
SAFe 6.0 features an Overview tab that illustrates the Seven Core Competencies (Figure 3) and their twenty-one dimensions that enable business agility. They are theprimary lensfor understanding and implementing SAFe. The focal point for all the competencies is the customer. Lean-Agile Leadership is...
概览(overview) Measure & Grow 右下角 如何评估投资组合在业务敏捷力的进展,以及确定下一步的改进步骤。 SAFe业务敏捷力评估 SAFe核心能力评估用 SAFe配置 上方 Essential:基本型SAFe 基本型 SAFe(Essenial SAFe),包含了持续交付业务解决方案所需的角色、事件和工件的最小集合。 敏捷发布火车(Agile Release Train,A...
Guide overview 1. What Is the Agile Manifesto? 2. The Benefits and Advantages of Agile 3. What Is Agile Operations? 4. The Agile Software Development Life Cycle 5. Building an Agile Team Structure 6. A Guide to the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) The core values of SAFe The 10 principle...
Introducing the new SAFe Big Picture and enhanced framework articlesSAFe Blog SAFe BlogAnnouncing a new SAFe for Hardware course! News Product Announcements February 11, 2025•By Harry Koehnemann I am very excited to announce the release of a new course at Scaled Agile, SAFe for Hardware. In...
Find out how to implement an Agile approach across your business using the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe).
Scaled Agile Framework の原則は、機能および組織の境界を越えてリーン・アジャイルの意思決定を促すことにより、企業全体を改善することを目的としています。この原則は、リーダーやマネージャーだけでなく、組織内の全員の意思決定に影響を与え、従来のウォーターフォール思考から、リーン・ポー...
The Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) is a set of organization and workflow patterns for implementing agile practices at enterprise scale.
[[请浏览原文图片]] 要想通过应用SAFe来得到个人方面,业务方面和经济方面的好处,这些原则每一个都是必须的。而且这些原则是需要构成一个系统来发挥作用的,它们相互促进,构成的整体比每一条单独的原则的作用都强大很...
SAFe® architectural overview version 5.0 Reproduced with permission from © 2011-2020Scaled Agile Inc.. All rights reserved. SAFe® and Scaled Agile Framework are registered trademarks ofScaled Agile Inc. SAFe® 5.0 Business Agility Many SAFe® practices include growing a culture that supports...