The size of failure considered is related to possible maximum damage between inspection cycles due to crack propagation and other reasons, outlined by Niu as ‘For fail-safe structure inspection techniques and frequency must be specified to minimize risk of catastrophic failures’ (p 538, Niu 1988...
Using the standard calculus of variations, we show that the crack remains in safe equilibrium as long as the maximum energy reduction rate of the virtually growing crack is negative. The crack starts to grow in the direction of the maximum energy reduction rate when the latter becomes zero. ...
Mine 1)24has shown that the impending failure region develops in between subregions of transient but high kinematic similarity early in PFR. Moreover, the spatiotemporal
Finite element analysis of high-pressure grinding rolls for crack prediction to determine safe working conditionsdoi:10.1016/j.matpr.2021.11.011Kedar UttarwarP. D. SonawwanaySangramsinh BhosaleMaterials Today: Proceedings