你可以让第三方内容提供商停止跨网站跟踪你以提供产品和服务广告。 为我打开“Safari 浏览器” 在Mac 上的 Safari 浏览器 App 中,选取“Safari 浏览器”>“设置”,然后点按“隐私”。 选择“阻止跨站跟踪”。 除非你将第三方内容提供商作为第一方网站进行访问和交互,否则其Cookie 和网站数据将被删除。 社交媒...
Ipad和Iphone用户:直接在设置里找到Safari,然后把左侧的“PreventCross-SiteTracking”选项关闭就行了。见图2 Mac笔记本用户:在Mac上的Safari浏览器App中,选择“Safari浏览器”>“偏好设置”,然后点按“隐私”。把“阻止跨站跟踪”这个功能关闭。见图3我个人建议大家在预约考试时,还是用Windows系统自带的IE或者Chrome等...
Step 1:Open theSettingsapp > go toSafari> toggle onPrevent Cross-Site Trackingunder Privacy & Security. Step 2:Additionally, select theHide IP Addressoption. Now, chooseFrom Trackers. Also Read:How to refresh webpages in Safari Other Privacy Options for Safe Browsing on iPhone ...
Prevent Cross-Site Tracking:This limits third-party cookies and data. It is turned on by default, but you can toggle it off to allow cross-site tracking. Block All Cookies:Toggle ON this option to prevent websites from adding cookies to your iPhone. Toclear cookiesalready stored on your iP...
如何充分利用隐私报告 让隐私报告做它的事情。如果您有理由不喜欢 Apple 这样做,您可以转到Safari、Preferences、Privacy,然后取消选择prevent cross-site tracking。 或者,您可以使用其他浏览器。但请注意,谷歌有望在2022 年实施这种类似的第三方 cookie阻止。 编辑于 2021-11-09 · 著作权归作者所有...
0x00 前言 CSRF(Cross-site request forgery)跨站请求伪造,也被称为“One Click Attack”或者Session ...
Therefore, if you want to prevent websites from tracking your iPhone, follow the method mentioned below: Go to theSettingsapp and openSafari. Open Safari app Scroll downand turn on thePrevent Cross-Site Tracking option. Turn on the Prevent Cross-Site Tracking option ...
Safari comes with industry-leading privacy protection technology built in, including Intelligent Tracking Prevention that identifies trackers and helps prevent them from profiling or following you across the web. And Private Browsing adds even more protections, such as locking your windows when you’re ...
Uncheck the top option, "Prevent cross-site tracking," and you're done. The feature is still turned off. You couldblock third party cookies in every browserinstead, but know that this is far more likely to break sites than Safari's default method. ...
To confirm Intelligent Tracking Prevention is turned on: In Safari on Mac, click onSafariin the toolbar at the top left. SelectPreferences. Choose thePrivacytab. Check the box next toPrevent cross-site tracking. (This should be checked by default.) ...