THK (Thailand) Co., Limited. 榮獲泰國旅遊局頒發為安全商戶 中文客服・專人跟進・出發前訊息提示・司機到位提示 自設車隊・提供專業服務・非聘用外判司機・出發前提供司機資料 Kanchanaburi - 北碧 接送服務 適用於曼谷及鄰近地區 單程・來回程接送服務 ...
Safari Park, Kanchanaburi等你来!这里不仅有壮观的动物种类,还有清新的空气和宜人的气候,是动物爱好者的天堂。📅 营业时间:9:00-17:00,足够你一天内尽情享受。 📍 地址:99aww nanoyl-jawadu Nong Kum, Bo Phloi District, Kanchanaburi 71160, Thailand 🎫 门票:550泰铢,但想要与长颈鹿近距离接触?那需要...
🔺 买萝卜巴士上喂食:100 THB(2碗) 📍【Safari Park, Kanchanaburi】 地址:99 Nong Kum, Bo Phloi District, Kanchanaburi 71160, Thailand 营业时间:9am – 5pm 快来体验与野生动物的零距离接触吧! 0 0 发表评论 发表 作者最近动态 东篱菊下淡酒君 2024-12-12 沈阳亲子游必去:科技馆全攻略🎫 预约与...
北碧府野生動物園(Kanchanaburi Safari Park Open Zoo),佔地約有80 公頃(80平方公里、200英畝),規模上,雖在泰國還算是比較小的動物園;不過,種類跟數量豐富,野生動物園區,共分有8區;包含有鹿園、水牛、鴕鳥、駱駝;也有猛獸區,像是黑熊、野豹、老虎;以及,最後的斑馬、長頸鹿區。 北碧動物園 – 特色 沒錯!北碧...
曼谷Safari野生动物园可以自己开车进园游览的动物园哦跟野生动物们近距离接触,互动整个公园分两个园区,浏览公园跟海洋公园#曼谷 #safaripark #旅行vlog #泰兰德 #泰国旅游 @🎈✘in.✘in🎈· 8月18日🎈✘in.✘in🎈 02:43 10 泰国曼谷必去的动物园Safari Park Kanchanaburi!可以和长颈鹿及其他可爱的...
Kanchanaburi has the world-famous Death Railway and the River Kwai Bridge are surrounded with beautiful scenery. Sightseeing riverside views by Train. Today, the most popular open zoo is Safari Park. There are many types animals such as giraffes, zebras, camels etc. You can touch, take picture...
s feel Thai culture wearing Thai dress and have lunch at Malika. After that Head to Kanchanaburi Safari park Get up close and personal with a wide variety of animals at Kanchanaburi Safari Park Open Zoo & Camp. Hand-feed giraffes, zebras, and young leopards. Observe the behaviors of these ...
Without doubt Kanchanaburi was one of the highlights of our trip to Thailand. Upon arrival we were warmly welcomed by the best guide ever, Angie! We felt welcomed and with such a friendly atmosphere, we had a fantastic start with her! With Angie as the guide, we were really in good hand...
Arrive at Safari Park Open Zoo Take a Safari Bus Tour 16.00- 16.15 PM Depart from Safari Park and travel to Kanchanaburi [ River Kwai Bridge ] 17.00- 17.15 PM Depart from Kanchanaburi and return to Bangkok 19.15-19.30 PM Arrive Bangkok drop off Khao San Road area after your trip Remar...
来到曼谷🇹🇭Bangkok也得必去的动物园景点。🐆🐅🐄🦘🇹🇭零距离接触野生动物🦒🦓Thai刺激呗。😜😜😜 🇹🇭这样的一趟,非常值得长颈鹿大片真实害怕又有趣,人生可能只体验一趟。🌈🙃 站着吉普🚛车上,近距 - SHALLY SWI 小玲于20221023