发货地 上海 商品类型 冶金钢材 、 合金 、 镍合金 商品关键词 SAF2507、 球形粉末、 超复式不锈钢、 可定制、 研倍 商品图片 商品参数 品牌: 上海研倍新材料科技有限公司 抗压强度: 600MPa 粒度: 5μm 镍含量: 7% 牌号: SDSS2507 熔化温度范围: 1050℃ 密度: 7.8 g/m3 伸长率: 24.79% ...
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, section VIII, div. 1.ASME B31.3 Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery piping.VdTÜV-Werkstoffblatt 508NACE MR 0175 (Sulphide stress cracking resistant material for oil field equipment)NGS 1609 Nordic rules for application of the non-standard steel SAF 2507 ...
Oil and Refining and Petrochemical and Gas Processing– SAF2507 is used for tubes and pipes where the process environment contains large amounts of chlorides or is contaminated with hydrochloric acid. Pulp and Paper Production– Material for chloride-containing bleaching environments. ...
Fig.2 Optical microstructure of base material of the HAZ after different t12/8 双相不锈钢中铁素体α和奥氏体γ两相比例及其组织形态对力学性能有着极其重要的影响,因此研究SAF2507焊缝组织中的双相比例十分必要。SAF2507钢热影响区中奥氏体相含量随t12/8冷却时间的变化走势如图3所示。可以看出,随着冷却时间t12...
说明 • 2507是一种铁素体—奥氏体(双相)不锈钢,它综合了许多铁素体钢和奥氏体钢最有益的性能, 由于该钢铬和钼的含量都很高,因此具有极好的抗点腐蚀,缝隙腐蚀和均匀腐蚀的能力.双相显微组织保证了该钢具有很高的抗应力腐蚀破裂的能力,而且机械强度也很高. • 2507不锈钢应用于石油和天然气工业;海上石破天油...
SAF 2507卡套接头MS-01-174
The result is a complete material model, which covers thermal, mechanical and metallurgical material models for SAF2507 (EN 1.4410), that shows promising results and was successfully implemented in finite element (FE) code. A direct comparison of experimental and calculated results show...
关键词:双相不锈钢2507;Q235钢;异种金属焊接;组织性能 中图分类号:TG444.4文献标识码:A文章编号:1007-2012(2014)05-0145-05 ResearchonweldingofSAF2507duplexstainlesss teelandQ235carbonsteel CHENJin-liang 1 LAIQi 3 (MaterialEngineeringDepartment,PanzhihuaUniversity ...
SAF2507双相不锈钢与Q235碳钢异种金属板材的焊接* 奇3 伟4 摘要:将切割的Q235钢板和SAF2507双相不锈钢板分为4组,采用ZX7-400IGBT逆变式直流弧焊机和A302 奥氏体不锈钢焊条进行焊接,并对焊前和焊后板材做微观组织分析及显微硬度分析。研究表明,在焊接电流为90A~...