SAF2507is based upon a 25% chromium content, in keeping with othersuper duplex stainless steelssuch as Ferralium 255 and Zeron 100. With a pitting resistance equivalent number (PREN) >40, corrosion resistance is extremely good – super duplex stainless steels are recommended for applications requiri...
Sandvik SAF 2507 is a superduplex (austeniticferritic) stainless steel for service in highly corrosive conditions. It is characterized by:Excellent resistance to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in chloride-bearing environments Excellent resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion High resistance to...
SAF 2507卡套接头MS-01-174
Post-heat treatment, the precipitated secondary phases in SAF2507 were identified as Sigma, Chi, and CrN, approximating a 13% distribution. During the electroless Ni plating, the secondary phase exhibited a plating rate equivalent to that of ferrite, entirely plating at around 180 s...
表7 Q345R、SAF2507、ER2594-16、ER2594、 E309MoL-16 的铬镍当量 Table 7 The chromium nickel equivalent of Q345R、 SAF2507、ER2594-16、ER2594、E309MoL-16 母材及焊材 Cr eq / % Ni eq / % 组织图上符号 SAF2507 29.81 14.94 a Q345R 0.39 6.155 b E309MoL-16 24.985 14.14 c E2594-16 29.855...
On the whole, the equivalent stress of SAF 2507/316L welded joint with welding parameters of 200A, 23V and 3mm/s is the smallest, but the deformation inZ-direction is the largest. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the actual situation comprehensively in order to take into account the ...
A parameter for comparing the resistance to pitting in chloride environments is the PRE number (Pitting Resistance Equivalent). The PRE is defined as, in weight-% PRE = %Cr + 3.3 x %Mo + 16 x %N For duplex stainless steels the pitting corrosion resistance is dependent on the PRE value ...
1 Q 345R ,SAF 2507超级双相钢的特性分析 Q345R 为低合金钢,焊接性良好。其化学成分与力学性能如表1、表2所示。SAF2507为超级双相钢,铬、镍、钼、氮含量较高,耐蚀性较强与屈服强度高,兼具奥氏体不锈钢与铁素体不锈钢特点,其化学成分与力学性能见表3、表4。对比上述表格可得,SAF2507与Q345R 虽然化 Q ...
resistance equivalent number) of 43, calculated using equation 1, which estimates the influence of the alloying elements Cr, Mo and N on the corrosion resistance in Fe-Cr-Ni alloys. The chemical composition (w/%) of duplex stainless steel is balanced to give approximately ...
Duplex 2205 stainless steel pipe (UNS S32205) combines austenitic and ferritic phases, offering high strength (550 MPa yield) and corrosion resistance. Its PREN (Pitting Resistance Equivalent Number) exceeds , making it ideal for chloride-rich environments. Key applications include offshore oil platfo...