Products Multiaxial Fabrics SAERcore® SAERfix® SAERfoam® SAERTEX LEO SAERflow® Flax NCF Applications Wind energy Aviation Automotive industry Boat Sport industry Contact SAERTEX GmbH & Co.KG Brochterbecker Damm 52 D-48369 Saerbeck Phone: +49 (0) 2574-902 0 Contact form ...
Discover SAERTEX - your leading supplier of innovative fiber composites. We offer multiaxial fabrics (non-crimp fabrics) made of glass, carbon and natural fibers as well as core materials for the production of composite components in lightweight construc
第 10 届萨尔贝克管道研讨会将于 2024 年 9 月 19 日在萨尔贝克举行。今年,我们的参观者将再次期待一场涵盖非开挖修复所有方面的广泛活动。 了解更多 非开挖式管道修复的优点 在SAERTEX multiCom公司,我们将紫外光固化技术应用于非开挖式管道修复。 这种技术具有环保、经济、安全和节约等优点。 了解更多...
TK工业公司是一家生产大丝束、多轴碳纤维织物的公司,可适用于各行业。SAERTEX(德国Saerbeck)宣布,它已经收购了TK Industries GmbH(德国塞尔比茨)的全部股份,这是一家生产大丝束多轴向碳纤维织物的中型制造商。 据SAERTEX所说,TK Industries的制造技术经过优化,采用
申请人: SAERTEXGMBH&CO.KG 办理/代理机构: 柜台办理 商标进度 注册申请 2005-05-18 初审公告 - 已注册 - 终止 2021-12-05 商标信息 商标图案 商标名称 SAERTEX 国际分类 第24类-布料床单 商标状态 领土延伸 申请/注册号 G774439 申请日期 2005-05-18 申请人名称(中文) SAERTEXGMBH&CO.KG 申请人...
申请人: SAERTEXGMBH&CO.KG 办理/代理机构: - 商标进度 注册申请 2014-12-25 初审公告 - 已注册 - 终止 2024-04-24 商标信息 商标图案 商标名称 SAERTEX 国际分类 第42类-网站服务 商标状态 领土延伸 申请/注册号 G1229488 申请日期 2014-12-25 申请人名称(中文) SAERTEXGMBH&CO.KG 申请人名称(...
SAERTEX GmbH was founded in 1982 by Bruno Lammers and Gert Wagener in the small town of Saerbeck in northwest Germany. They started with one machine and the belief that lightweight fiberglass-reinforced composite solutions were going to find increasing opportunities as the composites industry took ...
VISION SAERTEX - Innovation for a resource-saving future MISSION STATEMENT We make the continuous reduction of global resources consumption possible. CORE PHILOSOPHY We make a considerable contribution towards the minimization of global resources consumption, with our products. In doing so we are creating...
SAERTEX GmbH & Co. KG Brochterbecker Damm 52 D-48369 Saerbeck (Germany) Phone +49 · 25 74 · 902 0 Fax +49 · 25 74 · 902 209 Contact form SAERTEX Engineering GmbH Brochterbecker Damm 52 D-48369 Saerbeck (Germany) Phone +49 2574 902 0 ...
Homepage We at SAERTEX are one of the world´s leading manufacturers of textile reinforcements made of carbon, glass, aramid and natural fibers for lightweight construction. Our Non-Crimp fabrics (NCF) are used in the production of structural components such as rotor blades for wind turbines, ...