METRIC EQUIVALENTS OF U.S. CONVENTIONAL UNITS OF MEASURE 被代替 标准号 SAE J916-1969 1969年 发布单位 美国机动车工程师协会 替代标准 SAE J916B-1976 当前最新 SAE J916-1992 适用范围 “前言 - 本报告旨在帮助 SAE 手册的用户在美国常规 1 系统和公制 2 系统之间进行尺寸和测量单位的转换。使用任一单...
CONVENTIONAL UNITS OF MEASURE被代替 2013-02首页 标准 SAE J916-1965 SAE J916-1965 仪器设备 28 仪器谱 1 谁引用了SAE J916-1965 发布历史SAE J916-1965标准号 SAE J916-1965 发布 1965年 发布单位 SAE - SAE International 替代标准 SAE J916-1969 当前最新 SAE J916-1992 适用范围 “前言 - 本...
SAE J726 Revised JUN93 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.2.6 1.2.7 1.3 Measurement Accuracy Measure the airflow rate within 2% of the actual value. Measure the pressure drop and restriction within 0.25 mbar (0.025 kPa) of the actual value. Measure the temperature within ...
SAE J133-OCT2003第五轮主销性能,商业拖车半挂车 SURFACE VEHICLE RECOMMENDED PRACTICE SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its ...
. This potentiometer assembly is used in the Hybrid III family to measure the linear displacement of the sternum relative to the spine (referred to as chest compression). An inherent nonlinearity exists in this measurement because a rotary potentiometer is being used to measure a generally linear ...
When a multiangle instrument is used to measure a specimen, a reading would refer to a given illuminating and aspecular angle. 3.1.6 MEASUREMENT A measurement is the estimate of the sample color difference relative to a standard determined from one reading or the mean of multiple readings as ...
vMeasure Option DIAdem Quick and especially easy to use diagnostic tester for single ECUs or the complete vehicle Indigo Vector Academy: SAE J1939 trainings J1939 Courses J1939 E-Learning Additional Information Application Notes Technical Articles ...
If it is difficult to measure the whole channel performance, which is usually the case, the test agency may treat the channel as two or more convenient subsystems. The whole channel performance could then be demonstrated on the basis of subsystem results, together with a rationale for combining...
4.1 Speed Instrumentation to measure vehicle speed as a function of elapsed time meeting the following specifications: 4.1速度 仪器设备按照下面的技术条件测量汽车速度: a. Time 1. Accuracy 0.1 s 2. Resolution 0.1 s a.时间 1.精确度±0.1s 2.最小刻度0.1s b. Vehicle Speed 1. Accuracy ...
lity. Additionally , this revision has made numerous clarifications to aid the user. 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification covers py『ometric requirements for equipment used for the thermal processing of metallic materials. Specifically, it covers temperature sensors, instrumentation, thermal processing equ ...