TheSAEJ517100R2ATmaximumworkingpressureswillbereplacedbythetypeSmaximumworkingpressures beginningwith the year 2009, eliminating the need to label 100R2 as type S. The SAE J517 100R16 maximum working pressures will be replaced by the type S maximum working pressures with the ...
点击打开全屏PDF预览 点击查看大图 标准号 SAE J517-2020 2020年 总页数 38页 发布单位 美国机动车工程师协会 当前最新 SAE J517-2020 购买 正式版 该标准涵盖了用于建筑、工业设备和商业产品液压系统中一般应用的多种软管的一般尺寸和性能规格。这些通用规范是 SAE 100R1@ SAE 100R2@ SAE 100R3@ SAE 100R4...
登录 注册 待分类 > 待分类 > SAEJ517液压软管1 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 1180阅读文档大小:6.76M31页wenwu0916上传于2011-07-09格式:PDF
SURFACE VEHICLE STANDARD J517 Issued Revised Superseding 1952-01 2007-10 REV. OCT2007 J517 MAR2006 Hydraulic Hose RATIONALE SAE J517 100R1A, 100R2A, 100R2B, 100R2BT, 100R9, 100R10 and 100R11 hoses are discontinued due to lack of demand. These standards have been removed from this ...
SAE J517 Revised APR2001 41.4 ---6000 24.1 ---3500 19.0 ---2750 21.0 ---3000 21.0 ---3000 21.0 ---3000 21.0 ---3000 21.0 ---3000 21.0 ---3000 41.4 ---6000 15.5 ---2250 -3- 7/8 1 1-1/8 1-1/4 1-3/8 1-1/2 1-13/16 2 2-3/8 2-1/2 3 4 41.4 ---6000 13...
sae j517 type 100 r3 标准 产品结构及性能: 内胶层:黑色耐油合成橡胶 增强层:由两层高强度纤维编织( 2t/b ) 外胶层:耐腐蚀、耐气候的合成橡胶 温度范围:-40 ℃至 +100 ℃ :::此类胶管扣压无须剥外胶,即插即用 通径胶管内径胶管外径.工作压力爆破压力Zui小弯曲半径重量成品长度 inch...
SAEJ517——液压软管 SAEJ526-焊接低碳钢管SAEJ1645-燃油系统静电 荷 SAEJ1681——用于材料测试的汽油/含氧混合物SAEJ1737——程 序/燃料渗透损失 SAEJ2027—非金属汽油燃料喷射管保护罩 SAEJ2044—汽油燃料喷射燃料供应和蒸汽系统用液力偶合器SAEJ2260—具有一层或多 ...
SAE J517—Hydraulic Hose SAE J846—Coding Systems for Identification of Fluid Conductors and Connectors 2.1.2 ASTM PUBLICATION—Available from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. ASTM B 117—Method of Salt Spray (Fog) Testing ...
SURFACE VEHICLE STANDARD J517 NOV2008 Issued Revised 1952-01 2008-11 Superseding J517 OCT2007 Hydraulic Hose RATIONALE Revise 100R6 to allow additional manufacturing processes by removing the braid requirement and revise the inside dimensional min and max so that the product may be manufactured ...