SAE J2847/2-2023的标准全文信息,本 SAE 推荐做法规定了插电式电动汽车 (PEV) 与直流非车载充电器之间的通信要求和规范。在相关的情况下,本文件记录了车辆和车辆操作员之间的交互,但没有正式指定。本文件适用于传导充电的非车载直流充电机,通过 SAE J1772 耦合器向电动汽
SAE J2847/2_202309 适用范围 本SAE 推荐做法规定了插电式电动汽车 (PEV) 与直流非车载充电器之间的通信要求和规范。在相关的情况下,本文件记录了车辆和车辆操作员之间的交互,但没有正式指定。本文件适用于传导充电的非车载直流充电机,通过 SAE J1772 耦合器向电动汽车的可充电储能系统(RESS)提供直流电流。通信...
6/28/2012 SAE PEV Communication Status - IWC Meeting 2 DC Charging Schedule Apr SAE Communication Document Summary SAE Task Force Topic J2847/2 (DC Charging) J2931/1 (Stack info) J2931/4 (PLC Protocol) J2847/2 Comments SAE Hybrid Committee Ballot - DC Charging J2847/2 J2847/2 ...
SAE J2847-2-2011 2011年 美国机动车工程师协会 替代标准 SAE J2847-2-2012 当前最新 SAE J2847-2-2015 购买 正式版 SAE J2847-2-2011相似标准 GB/T 30750-2014 道路施工与养护机械设备 路面处理机械 安全要求DB44/T 1199-2013 电动汽车远程监控系统基本要求GB 19755-2016 轻型混合动力电动汽车污染物排放控...
J563 Standards for 12 Volt Cigarette Lighters, Power Outlets, and Accessory Plugs Architecture J2356 A Graphical Model for Interactive Distributed Control J2186 E/E Data Link Security J2546 Model Specification Process Standard J2056/3 Selection of Transmission Media ...
12 SAE J2847/3-2021 2021-03-01 English (R) Communication for Plug-in Vehicles as a Distributed Energy Source 13 SAE AS81969/29A-2021 2021-03-01 English REMOVAL TOOLS, CONNECTOR, ELECTRICAL CONTACT, TYPE II, CLASS 1, COMPOSITION B
SAE J2847/1_201311 Communication for Smart Charging of Plug-in Electric Vehicles using Smart Energy Profile 2.0 SAE J2931/7_201710 Security for Plug-In Electric Vehicle Communications SAE J2931/7_201802 Security for Plug-In Electric Vehicle Communications SAE J2836/6_201305 Use Cases for Wireless...
J1239Four-,Five-,andEight-ConductorElectricalConnectorsforAutomotiveTypeTrailers J563Standardsfor12VoltCigaretteLighters,PowerOutlets,andAccessoryPlugs Architecture J2356AGraphicalModelforInteractiveDistributedControl J2186E/EDataLinkSecurity J2546ModelSpecificationProcessStandard ...
SAE Internationalhas announced revisions toSAE J3072 Standard: Interconnection Requirements for Onboard, Utility-Interactive Inverter SystemsandSAE J2847/3 Recommended Practice: Communication for Plug-in Vehicles as a Distributed Energy Source. The updated EV charging documents will play a role in advanci...
218 SAE J2847-1-2013 2013-11-01 English (R) Communication for Smart Charging of Plug-in Electric Vehicles using Smart Energy Profile 2.0 219 SAE J2863-2013 2013-11-01 English Automotive Trailer Tow Connector 220 SAE ARP6167-2013 2013-11-01 English Etching of Fluoropolymer Insulations ...