SAE J2412_200311汽车内饰部件的加速暴露 使用受控辐照度氙弧仪.pdf,® ISSUED SURFACE NOV2003 ® J2412 VEHICLE Issued 2003-11 STANDARD Accelerated Exposure of Automotive Interior Trim Components Using a Controlled Irradiance Xenon-Arc Apparatus 1. Scop
SAEJ2412测试标准[文档推荐] .pdf,SAE J2412 测试标准 SAE J2412 标准介绍 1. 范围 SAE J2412标准规定了应用可控辐照度氙弧灯装置对各种类型的汽车内饰件进行加速暴露的试 验方法。 是建立在 SAE J1885试验参数的性能标准。 本标准不包括试验的持续时间,样品的制备,及性能
SAE J2412 SURFACE VEHICLE STANDARD SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, ...
`--- SAE J2412 Revised MAY2004 TABLE 1—TARGET VALUES AT CONTROL PANEL SENSOR Dark Light Controls Cycle Cycle ___ Automatic Irradiance Black Panel Temperature Dry Bulb Temperature Relative Humidity Radiant Exposure Cycle Duration Target None 38 oC 38 oC 95% Not applicable 1 hour (See Note 2)...
SAE J2412_200405 Accelerated Exposure of Automotive Interior Trim Components Using a Controlled Irradiance Xenon-Arc Apparatus SAE J2477_200405 Automotive Austempered Ductile (Nodular) Iron Castings (ADI) SAE USCAR2-4 Performance Specification for Automotive Electrical Connector Systems SAE J2429_20040...
245 SAE J2412-2004 2004-05-01 English Accelerated Exposure of Automotive Interior Trim Components Using a Controlled Irradiance Xenon-Arc Apparatus 246 SAE J2202-2004 2004-05-01 English (R) Heavy-Duty Wiring Systems for On-Highway Trucks 247 SAE AS5537-2004 2004-05-01 English Weather Support...
试样可以是用于测定力学性能的标准试样,也可以是用于测定光学性能的圆形或长方形试片。 依据标准为SAEJ2412-2004 技术要求 由检验委托方规定 试验条件 使用的设备利用氙灯作为辐射光源。试验样品安装于试验箱内,应保证所有试验样品的试验条件一致。设备应可以同时自动地控制辐射强度,黑板温度,相对湿度和箱体温度。在试验...
SAE J2412-2003-中文版
pdf SAE- Automotive Physical Layer SAE—J1708 DS36277。pdf SAE- Structural Steel Designer's Handbook (Brockenbrough & Merritt)(3Rd Edition)[P1201].pdf SAE—174M-MAY1998 TORQUE—TENSION TEST PROCEDURESTEEL THREADED FASTENERS,METRIC SERIES。pdf SAE-2006 Formula SAE—Chassis Design(Queen's ...
SAE J2412是以SAE J1885试验参数为基础而制订的性能标准。须经合同各方同意后,方能使用氙弧 试验设备进行SAE J2412操作。 1.1 基本原理 为与相关以性能为基础的文件协调,已对 “范围”进行修订。参照SAE程序,已在本文件中删除了相 关供应商名称和地址。 2. 参考资料 2.1 适用出版物 下列出版物属于本规定范围...