SAE J994_202306 2023-06-27 Alarm - Backup - Electric Laboratory Performance Testing 报警 - 备份 - 电气实验室性能测试 SAE J2696_202306 2023-06-27 Inboard Mounted Disc Brake Rotor/Disc Wheel Hub Interface Dimensions - Commercial Vehicles 内置式盘式制动转子/盘式轮毂接口尺寸 - 商用车辆 SAE J2236_...
SAE J2236-202306 2023-06-27 Standard Method for Determining Continuous Upper Temperature Limit of Elastomers 测定弹性体连续温度上限的标准方法 SAE J994_202306 2023-06-27 Alarm - Backup - Electric Laboratory Performance Testing 报警 - 备份 - 电气实验室性能测试 SAE J2696_202306 2023-06-27 Inboard ...
108 SAE J2236-2023 2023-06-01 English Standard Method for Determining Continuous Upper Temperature Limit of Elastomers 109 SAE ARP994C-2023 2023-06-01 English Design of Tubing Installations for Aerospace Hydraulic Systems 110 SAE J2860-2023 2023-06-01 English User’s Manual for the Hybrid III ...
108 SAE J2236-2023 2023-06-01 English Standard Method for Determining Continuous Upper Temperature Limit of Elastomers 109 SAE ARP994C-2023 2023-06-01 English Design of Tubing Installations for Aerospace Hydraulic Systems 110 SAE J2860-2023 2023-06-01 English User’s Manual for the Hybrid III ...
5.2.1耐高温性[参考SAE J2236]-罩体应能在高温下保持1008h而性能不致有很大的变化,如同下面所定义的。测试应对罩体材料进行。将样品放入烤箱中在指定的温度条件下保持1008h,之后在RT中放72h恢复到正常状态。参考ASTM D 3182/3183的样品前期准备。 弹性材料在高温检测前后应按照ASTM D 638或ASTM D 412测试其拉...
SAEJ1960-使用可控水冷X射线设备对汽车外表面材料进行加速老化 SAEJ2236-持久耐高温测试的标准方法 SAEJ2260-使用单层或多层管的非金属油路系统 2.1.2ASTM的相关规定-用到的有ASTM,100BarrHarborDrive,WestConshohocken, ...
41 SAE J2488-2006 2006-08-01 English SAE No.2 Friction Test Machine 6000 r/min Stepped Power Test 42 SAE J1756-2006 2006-08-01 English (R) Determination of the Fogging Characteristics of Interior Automotive Materials 43 SAE AMS-STD-184A-2006 2006-08-01 English Identification Marking of ...
Initial SAE J2233-JUN2002 Bus Body Heating System SAE J2234-OCT2001 Equivalent SAE J2235-JUN99 Paint Trim Code SAE J2236-MAY1999 Standard MethodDetermining Continuous Upper Temperature SAE J2237-FEB95 HEAVY-DUTY STARTER REMANUFACTURING SAE J2238-OCT2001 Airbag Inflator Ballistic Tank Test Procedure...
美国汽车工程学会标准(SAE)目录 作者:全国汽车标准化技术委员会 日期:2012-3-25 标准号 标准名称 页数 SAE J 10-2007 汽车和非道路车辆气制动储气罐性能要求和识别要求 4 SAE J 17-2003 天然泡沫橡胶 11 SAE J 20-2006 冷却系统软管 18 SAE J 20-1-2009 冷却软管(政府用于替代 MS52130 部分内容而对 SAE...
SAE J2236-持久耐高温测试的标准方法 SAE J2260-使用单层或多层管的非金属油路系统 2.1.2 ASTM的相关规定-用到的有ASTM,100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959。 ASTM D 412-橡胶抗拉性能测试办法 ASTM D 471-橡胶受液体影响性能测试办法 ASTM D 635-塑料燃点和/或燃烧范围和水平燃尽时间...