全文获取SAE J20-2022【中文版翻译+PDF原版】 Coolant System Hoses 冷却液系统软管 STANDARD by SAE International, 02/23/2022. LANGUAGES: English+Chinese【英文原文+中文翻译】 HISTORICAL EDITIONS: SAE J20…
Superseding J20 MAR2015 SURFACE VEHICLE STANDARD 地面运输工具标准 Coolant System Hoses冷却剂系统软管...
SAE J20-2006_机械/仪表_工程科技_专业资料。车辆冷却系统管标准,最新版 SURFACE VEHICLE STANDARD REV. JUN2006 ? J20 Issued Revised 1944-01 2006-06 Superseding J20 MAY2004 Coolant System Hoses 1. Scope This SAE Standard covers reinforced and flexible hoses intended for use in water and ethylene...
SAE J20-1986 1986年 发布单位 美国机动车工程师协会 替代标准 SAE J20-1988 当前最新 SAE J20-2022 适用范围 该标准涵盖了用于水和乙二醇基发动机冷却剂系统应用的增强软管和柔性软管。 (SAE 20R1):适用于重载应用的重载型。该类型有两种壁厚可供选择,如第 4.3 节所示。 (SAE 20R2):柔性重型电线嵌入型,与...
SURFACE VEHICLE STANDARD REV. JUN2006 ? J20 Issued Revised 1944-01 2006-06 Superseding J20 MAY2004 Coolant System Hoses 1. Scope This SAE Standard covers reinforced and flexible hoses intended for use in water and ethylene glycol-based engine-coolant system applications. 1.1 Rationale Shelf ...
SAE J17-2003 乳胶泡沫橡胶SAE J18-1979 海绵和发泡橡胶制品SAE J17-1985 乳胶泡沫橡胶SAE J17-2009 乳胶泡沫橡胶SAE J20/1-2018 冷却液软管(政府使用的 SAE J20 补充件,替换 MS52130 的一部分)ASTM D1056-20 软质多孔材料海绵或膨胀橡胶的标准规范 ...
Coolant Hose (Supplement to SAE J20 for Government Use Replacing Part of MS52130) (Stabilized: Mar 2018)doi:SAE J20/1_201803本SAE标准提供了任何SAE 20R1至SAE 20R4软管类型(如EC,HT,LT或其组合)的订购信息这是政府使用的补充,但也可能被其他人使用....
saej2030v002 SURFACE VEHICLE STANDARD J2030 REV. DEC2002 1994-11 2002-12 Issued Revised Superseding J2030 NOV1994 (R) Heavy-Duty Electrical Connector Performance Standard Foreword NOTICE—Some test procedures are potentially dangerous. SAE Technical Reports do not purport to address all of the ...
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