点击打开全屏PDF预览 点击查看大图 标准号 SAE AMS2175B-2024 2024年 总页数 21页 发布单位 美国机动车工程师协会 当前最新 SAE AMS2175B-2024 购买 正式版 本规范规定了金属铸件检验的无损检测方法、取样频率和验收标准。 其他标准 GB/T 929-1988 单耳托板自锁螺母JB/T 4212.5-1996 冷镦内六角圆柱头螺钉模具....
This specification establishes nondestructive testing methods, sampling frequency, and acceptance criteria for the inspection of metal castings. SAE AMS2175B currently viewingApril 2024 Castings, Classification and Inspection of MOST RECENT SAE AMS2175A August 2018 Castings, Classification and Inspection of...
点击打开全屏PDF预览 点击查看大图 标准号 SAE AMS2175A-2010 发布 2010年 总页数 20页 发布单位 美国机动车工程师协会 替代标准 SAE AMS2175A-2018 当前最新 SAE AMS2175B-2024 购买 正式版 本规范规定了金属铸件检验的无损检测方法、采样频率和验收标准。该规范通常用于结构铸件,但用途并不限于此类应用。
AMS2175 ® IssuedJUL2003 SupersedingAMS-STD-2175 1.SCOPE: 1.1Purpose: Thisspecificationestablishesnondestructivetestingmethods,samplingfrequency,and acceptancecriteriafortheinspectionofmetalcastings. 1.2Application: Thisspecificationhasbeenusedtypicallyforstructuralcastings,butusageisnotlimitedtosuch ...
34 MST AMS 2175 SAE AMS 2175 2.1 (Continued): ASTM E 272 ASTM E 280 ASTM E 310 ASTM E 446 ASTM E 1255 ASTM E 1320 ASTM E 1417 ASTM E 1444 ASTM E 1742 2.2 NAS Publications Available from AIA, 1000 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1700, Arlington, VA 22209-3901 or www.aia-aerospace.org....
AMS 21752.1(续)2.2 NAS 出版物 可从 AIA 获得,地址:1000 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1700, Arlington, VA 22209-3901 或 www.aia-aerospace.org。3. 技术要求: 3.1 铸件的分类: 3.1.1 种类和级别的确定:监督的工程机构应确定每个铸件设计的种类和等级(参见 1.3)。 铸件的零件由于所受的应力可能有不同的...
AMSSTD2175A July 14, 2003 Castings, Classification and Inspection of The purpose of this military standard is to prescribe the non-destructive testing acceptance criteria for the inspection of metal castings that are classified (see 1.3 ) in accordance with this......
SAE-AMS-5387C-2001-R2006.pdf 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 798阅读文档大小:63.51K9页regoner1上传于2016-09-18格式:PDF Exhibition-of-Master-Wan-Ko-Yee's-Amazing-Achievement-in-the-Form-of-World-Class-Treasures 热度: 计算机知识Chapter6-OntheImpactoftheDifferentialEvolutionParametersintheSolutionoftheSu...
SAE_AMS_4218H-2001_固溶热和脱溶热处理的含7.0Si-0.35Mg(A356.0-T6P)(原来T61P回火)铝合金铸件.pdf,AEROSPACE AMS 4218H MATERIAL Issued JAN 1961 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001 SPECIFICATION Revised APR 2001 Reaffirmed APR 2006 Superseding AM
SAE-AMS2175-2003 Castings,Classification&Inspection of.pdf SAE-AMS2241P-2005 Tolerances,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant Steel,Iron Alloy,Titanium,&Titanium Alloy Bars&Wire.pdf SAE-AMS2242F-2006 Tolerances Corrosion&Heat Resistant Steel,Iron Alloy,Titanium,&Titanium Alloy Sheet,Strip,&Plate.pdf SAE-AMS2243H...