B.5W/30是SAE按照机油的粘度等级进行分类的 C.5W30中,W前的数字越小,表示其低温粘度越小 D.梅赛德斯-奔驰的所有车辆都采用5W/30的机油 E.根据基础油的类型,可以将机油分为矿物质机油,半合成机油,全合成机油 点击查看答案 第4题 SAE的粘度级别中后半段的数字代表() A.高温粘度级别 B.低温粘度级别 C....
Single-grade oils vs Multigrade oils The term single-grade oils, e.g. SAE 10W, SAE 30, SAE 50, indicates engine oils that guarantee either cold or hot performance. On the other hand, multigrade oils guarantee performance both at low and high temperatures e.g. SAE 5W-30, SAE 5W-40....
美孚Super HP 多级发动机油 Mobil Super HP 5W-30 10W-30 10W-40 15W-40 20W-50 美孚涡扇喷气发动机油Ⅱ Mobil Jet Oil Ⅱ 美孚航空喷气发动机油Ⅲ Mobil Jet Oil Ⅲ 美孚佳特M460中速柴油发动机油 Mobilgard™ M460 SAE:40 美孚佳特560 VS柴油发动机油 Mobilgard™ 560 VS SAE:50 美孚佳特M330 M430柴油...
Amsoil vs competing conventional and synthetic oils. Comparisons included Amsoil 5w 30, Castrol Edge® with Titanium Fluid Strength Technology® Lucas Synthetic Mobil 1™ Extended Performance Pennzoil Ultra™ Petro-Canada SUPREME Synthetic™ Qu
车型号是MG5自吸1.5L,去小保养,当只注意选机油的牌子了,选的嘉实多磁护,加完后才发现是5w-40,这除了费油还会产生什么不好的影响呢?百公里大概会多费多少油? 2024-03-25 Bimmeriooo 坚持住!降6w6,15个点了 i5目前已经优惠15个点了 30个点还远吗...查看全文 ...
如:SAE 30即单级粘度,SAE 5W-30即复级粘度。“W”是冬天的意思.W前面的数字越小,其低温粘度越小,低温流动性越好,适用的最低气温越低。W后面的数字的确是指在100摄氏度下机油的粘度,数字越大表明机油粘度越大。其后面的数字主要... 分享14 cv吧 fuchsia烤馕06 求助sae针对网联车辆cv的定义 分享1赞 统一...
美孚Super HP 多级发动机油 Mobil Super HP 5W-30 10W-30 10W-40 15W-40 20W-50 美孚涡扇喷气发动机油Ⅱ Mobil Jet Oil Ⅱ 美孚航空喷气发动机油Ⅲ Mobil Jet Oil Ⅲ 美孚佳特M460中速柴油发动机油 Mobilgard™ M460 SAE:40 美孚佳特560 VS柴油发动机油 Mobilgard™ 560 VS SAE:50 美孚佳特M330 M430柴油...
美孚Super HP 多级发动机油 Mobil Super HP 5W-30 10W-30 10W-40 15W-40 20W-50 美孚涡扇喷气发动机油Ⅱ Mobil Jet Oil Ⅱ 美孚航空喷气发动机油Ⅲ Mobil Jet Oil Ⅲ 美孚佳特M460中速柴油发动机油 Mobilgard™ M460 SAE:40 美孚佳特560 VS柴油发动机油 Mobilgard™ 560 VS SAE:50 美孚佳特M330 M430柴油...
SAE oil is simply oil that has been evaluated by the Society of Automotive Engineers and assigned a number based on the results of several tests. The SAE developed a pattern of labeling oil, such as 5W-30 or 10W-40, which means that all oil carrying that label follows the SAE guidelines...