AMSOIL XL 0W-20 Synthetic Motor Oil 收藏获取报价 • 使用 100% 合成配方对抗污泥和沉积物。 • 磨损保护1 比GM dexos1 Gen 2 规范要求的多47%。• 在GM dexos1 Gen 2 规范要求的发动机测试中100% 防止LSPI2。 1基于 dexos1 Gen 2 规范要求的 Peugeot TU3M 磨损测试中对 OE 0W-20 的独立测试...
TITAN GT1 EVO SAE 0W-20 Premium Performance Engine Oil with new XTL®-Technology in path-breaking viscosity class. Specially designed for highly stressed downsized engines with maximum power output, for extreme fuel-economy characteristics and reduced CO2 emissions. Excellent cold starting behaviour, ...
AMSOIL Synthetic Diesel Oil SAE 0W-20 •为小型美国柴油皮卡、货车、汽车和 SUV 提供出色的保护 •提供比领先行业标准要求高 6 倍的磨损保护1 •保持粘度以增加发动机保护并提高燃油经济性 •在极端高温和低温环境中表现出色 •最小化油耗 1 基于 OM646LA 凸轮磨损测试中的第三方测试,使用 0W-20 作为...
Advanced ester synthesis formula to meet the needs of new engines;Good thermal stability and oxidationstability, prolong engine life;Excellent cleanliness toprevent oil and carbon deposition from affecting thefunctions of each part.Recommend Porsche, Maserati,Mercedes-Benz S-Class and other high-end new...
SAE:0W-20 产品规格:1L/4L 大众专用油酯类全合成发动机油 箭牌-8000酯类全合成发动机油 APL: SP/GF-6A SAE: 0W-20 产品规格:1L/4L 酯类全合成发动机油 汽油柴油发动机及混动车型适用 箭牌-8000量化指标 测试说明结果单位分析办法 闪点(开口)230℃GB/T 3536-2008 ...
保质期:5年 检验合格 执行标准:GB 11121-2006 This product adopts imported base oil, imported additives and unique technical formula to provide more lasting viscosity protection for the engine; Excellent thermal stability and oxidation stability, extending the service life of the engine; ...
The new engine oil TITAN GT1 PRO RN17 FE SAE 0W-20 was specially developed to address the Renault RN17 FE specification. The RN17 FE specification is… … based on ACEA C5 … requires the Viscosity Class SAE 0W-20 … meeting the Renault Long Life engine tests ...
SAIC VOLKSWAGEN® 上汽大众® 黑钻级高性能全合成润滑油 HIGH PERFORMANCE FULL SYNTHETIC ENGINE OIL SAE 0W-20 适用于VW 508 00/509 00标准 产品名:上汽大众汽 - 车马跑于20231008发布在抖音,已经收获了3015个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Good ther alstab ility and 0x ida tions tab ility, pro bngengine life; Exce Ilentclean liness topreventoiland carbon depos itionfrom affecting thefunctions ofeach partRecom m endPorsche, M asera ti, M ercedes-Benz S-C hss and otherhigh-end newm ode ls.版权...