###4.1 Performance As it turns out, the final CNN had avalidation accuracy of 58%. This actually makes a lot of sense. Because our expressions usually consist a combination of emotions, andonlyusing one label to represent an expression can be hard. In this case, when the model predicts i...
Its original mission was supposed to last a bit over three years. Voyager has turned out to be much tougher than anyone ever imagined, but time gets us all. Its power source is a generator full of radioactive isotopes, and those are gradually decaying into inert lead. Year by year, the ...
【Pretty Blood/sadny】Happy Face meme(微血注意) 6.5万播放 “团结屯前,一切的起点” 102.9万播放 《西伯太的救助屋》第一话邂逅 原作者 あやか 文字是从右竖到左竖和漫画阅读顺序是从右往左 1074播放 人类被圈养沦为玩物?神明是禽兽自相残杀?24年的国产“黑神话”隐藏真相震撼人心! 32.3万播放 史上最阴...
Normally I'd say that this is hilarious, but it's actually a little sad. Nikola Tesla++ http://theoatmeal.com/comics/tesla #tesla EDIT 1: I am no... - Brian Fitzpatrick - Google+
One of the judges(评委) was Amber Massie-Blomfield.She says Rosen has a real gift(天赋) for writing.He can write about the most serious(严肃的) things of life with joy and humor.The man is an "example" not only for children but for grown-ups,too. Rosen was happy to ...
【Pretty Blood/sadny】Happy Face meme(微血注意) 6.9万播放 “团结屯前,一切的起点” 113.8万播放 《西伯太的救助屋》第一话邂逅 原作者 あやか 文字是从右竖到左竖和漫画阅读顺序是从右往左 1294播放 人类被圈养沦为玩物?神明是禽兽自相残杀?24年的国产“黑神话”隐藏真相震撼人心! 46.4万播放 史上最阴...