SAD 27 Votes to Move Grades to High School, but Keeps Pre-K at Half DaysFORT KENT, Maine -- School officials on Tuesday backed away froma proposal to shift the...Bayly, Julia
Proposed Budget Same One SAD 27 Voters Turned Down in JulyFORT KENT, Maine -- Lacking a superintendent and in need of abudget, the local school board...Bayly, Julia
SAD 27 Board Votes to Transfer Students, Cut Staff and Close St. Francis School to Find $700,000 in Budget ReductionsFORT KENT, Maine -- Students in grades three, four and five fromWallagrass and Eagle Lake will...Bayly, Julia
SAD 27 Board to Vote on Moving Fort Kent Middle School to High SchoolFORT KENT, Maine -- SAD 27 School board members will vote Tuesdayon a cost saving measure that...Bayly, Julia
FORT KENT, Maine -- A Spartan soldier from ancient Greece ishelping put an end to any Native...Bayly, Julia
FORT KENT, Maine -- The lakeside town of Winterville is one stepcloser to splitting from SAD 27...Bayly, Julia
Madawaska and SAD 27 Finally Have Approved School BudgetsFORT KENT, Maine -- After failing multiple times at referendum,SAD 27 and the Madawaska School...Bayly, Julia