弗兰斯·弗洛里斯木板油画《三位一体寓言》高清欣赏 #创作灵感 《上帝之子耶·稣基督的牺牲,团结并保护人类》The Sacrifice of Jesus Christ, Son of God, Bringing Together and Pr - 勇哥在法国于20240804发布在抖音,已经收获了249.6万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
religions of the world, sacrifice in one form or the otherChristianity, and bloody sacrifice of Jesus ChristThe term "sacrifice," from the Latin "sacrificium" ("sacrum," sacred + facere, to do or make), refers to a public act of worship, usually carried out by a suitably qualified ...
1. To make a sacrificial offering of someone or something to some being, deity, or power.The tribe selects someone each year and sacrifices them to the gods.In burning our material possessions, we sacrifice that which binds us to the mortal world to the unknowable forces of eternity. ...
The Sacrifice of Jesus - The old plan was only a hint of the good things in the new plan. Since that old “law plan” wasn’t complete in itself, it
Abraham sacrificed Isaac, and God sacrificed his son Jesus Christians believe the Father sacrificed his begotten son, Jesus Christ. They point to Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac as evidence that Jesus is God. The table below explores this claim. Isaac Jesus When Abraham's son, Isaac grew to ...
By means of the sacrifice of his human life, Christ Jesus became God’s “Chief Agent” of life and salvation (Ac 3:15; Heb 2:10), and through him the abolishing of death is assured. 耶稣基督为人牺牲生命,成为上帝所立的“领袖”,他领人得生,使人得救(徒3:15;来2:10);借着他,死亡...
The death of Jesus was held to be a sacrifice (Eph. v. 2; Heb. ix. 14). Saving efficacy is imputed to the blood or the cross of Christ (Rom. iii. 25, v. 9; I Cor. x. 16; Rev. i. 5). Jesus is the sin-offering (Rom. viii. 3; Heb. xiii. 11; I Peter iii. 18),...
It points out that all humans descended from the one man Adam, who sinned and lost life for his posterity; it thereby enables us to understand how the ransom sacrifice of one man, Jesus Christ, could atone for the sins of mankind. 指出所有人都是一个人(亚当)的后代,由于亚当犯罪,人人都会...
Jesus Christ died on cross to save mankind. [N.T.: Matthew 27:24–61] Jordan, Robert young American teacher in Spain who gives his life helping the Loyalist guerrillas. [Am. Lit.: HemingwayFor Whom the Bell Tolls] Kamikaze WWII
The accepted sacrifice of Jesus puts an end to fear. The LORD has shown us our election, our adoption, our union to Christ, our marriage to the Well-beloved: how can He now destroy us? The promises are loaded with blessings, which necessitate our being preserved unto eternal life. It ...