Is the lawyer familiar with your local court?Judges have their own experiences and perspectives.Does your attorney know them?Each County also has its own local rules and they change often.Following a local rule could mean, for example, the difference between a child custody evaluator reviewing yo...
The bill would have made gender affirmation one factor among many that courts already have to consider in custody proceedings, including whether a parent has been abusive and how much contact the child has with the parents. The bill would not have required judges to prioritize whether a paren...
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A federal appeals court panel should not have forced YouTube to take down an anti-Muslim film that sparked violence in the Middle East and death threats to actors, a larger group of judges ruled Monday in a victory for free speech advocates. The 11-judg...
and probation. David Foos has forty-five years’ experience representing the accused. As a result of his experience, David knows the players in the system including the D.A.s and the Judges and will use his insider's knowledge to benefit you. Mr. Foos was a Judicial Officer in Sacramento...
Our personal injury attorneys in Sacramento have recovered millions of dollars for accident victims across California and the U.S. Call now for a free consultation.
Workshop at Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove, California. In addition, Mr. Rothschild taught trial skill seminars on behalf of California Continuing Education of the Bar (CEB) and presented to California trial judges through the continuing education program of the California Judicial Council...
you must act immediately. An experienced Sacramento family law attorney can help a client secure a temporary restraining order very quickly. Most judges will grant a requested order right away to ensure the victim’s safety. The hearing will allow the judge to clarify the situation further and ...
While there are some situations in which judges recommend the appointment of Receivership Specialists as theCourt Receiver, Court Referee, orPartition Refereeto an action, more often than not, judges leave the recommendation ofCourt Receiver, Court Referee, orPartition Refereeup to the legal counsel....
even for repeat offenders who steal every day.Prop. 47which alsodecriminalized drug possessionfrom a felony to a misdemeanor, removed law enforcement’s ability to make an arrest in most circumstances, as well as removing judges’ ability to order drug rehabilitation progra...
(2) arbitration can actually cost more because arbiters charge by the hour, unlike judges, (3) the rules of evidence do not apply, which means the arbiter may consider evidence that would never make it into court, (4) there is generally no appeals process, meaning if you get a bad ...