1.ChristianityA rite believed to be a means of or visible form of grace, especially: a.In the Eastern, Roman Catholic, and some other Western Christian churches, any of the traditional seven rites that were instituted by Jesus and recorded in the New Testament and that confer sanctifying gra...
The Church, as the Body of Christ – who is personally the ontological meaning of history – is the distinctively Christian linguistic community of meaning, in which ultimate meaning – the 'meaning of meaning', i.e. God – is present in each successive era. Established in the illuminating ...
Lectionary, in Christianity,a book containing portions of the Bible appointed to be read on particular days of the year. The word is also used for the list of such Scripture lessons. How many readings are in a Catholic Mass? Liturgy of the Word, the first of the two principal rites of ...
(see Gnosticism) by saying, "Let us together make our confession of faith." But perhaps the most familiar meaning of the word refers to the Catholic tradition of confessingad auriculam,"into the ear of" a priest. The practice began in the medieval church. The Fourth Lateran Council of ...
If the latter part of the custom is correctly reported (and analogy is all in its favour), it shows how the Christian communion has absorbed within itself a sacrament which is doubtless far older than Christianity. The Aino or Ainu of Japan are said to distinguish various kinds of millet ...
In the next decade, while studying at a Protestant seminary, I began a theological and spiritual journey that would take me to a “far land.” This journey held exciting and unnerving discoveries. By my studies I was led to sacramental and liturgical expressions of Christianity. I left evange...
The meaning and the grace of the Sacrament of Baptism are revealed in the essential rite, actions, and symbols of the sacramentEssential Rite of Baptism:Immersion or pouring of water 3 times“I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the H.SCommunal celebration (...
1. Christianity A rite believed to be a means of or visible form of grace, especially: a. In the Eastern, Roman Catholic, and some other Western Christian churches, any of the traditional seven rites that were instituted by Jesus and recorded in the New Testament and that confer sanctifying...
In this way the material aspects have become the forms of the embodied spiritual reality.Types and variations Types The several types of sacraments (i.e., initiatory, purificatory, renewal, communion, healing, cultic elevation) are well exemplified in Christianity, though they also may be found ...
4.(Ecclesiastical Terms)ChristianitychieflyRC Churchthe act of a penitent accusing himself or herself of his or her sins 5.(Ecclesiastical Terms)confession of faitha formal public avowal of religious beliefs 6.(Ecclesiastical Terms) a religious denomination or sect united by a common system of beli...