A SACRAMENT IN HISTORY, FROM EARLIEST DAYS.The article offers information on the historical background of confirmation, which was considered as an important sacrament in the Catholic Church.RyanZoeEBSCO_AspNational Catholic Reporter
In the Roman Catholic church, the Sacrament is the holy bread eaten at the Eucharist. In the Anglican church, the Sacrament is the holy bread and wine taken at Holy Communion. sacrament 单语例句sacrament什么意思 1. Formerly called the last rites, the sacrament is often misunderstood as signali...
Eucharist,Eucharistic liturgy,Holy Eucharist,Liturgy,Lord's Supper,sacrament of the Eucharist sacrament- a formal religious ceremony conferring a specific grace on those who receive it; the two Protestant ceremonies are baptism and the Lord's Supper; in the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Ort...
n.a formal religious ceremony conferring a specific grace on those who receive it; the two Protestant ceremonies are baptism and the Lord's Supper; in the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church there are seven traditional rites accepted as instituted by Jesus: baptism and confirmati...
a formal religious ceremony conferring a specific grace on those who receive it; the two Protestant ceremonies are baptism and the Lord's Supper; in the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church there are seven traditional rites accepted as instituted by Jesus: baptism and confirmation...
The meaning of SACRAMENT is a Christian rite (such as baptism or the Eucharist) that is believed to have been ordained by Christ and that is held to be a means of divine grace or to be a sign or symbol of a spiritual reality. How to use sacrament in a se
1、Marriage is not a sacrament( as the Catholic church teaches). By getting married, you do not gain more grace/ salvation. Nor is singleness more holy/ spiritual.───婚姻不是圣礼(们不同意天主教的教导)。结婚并不让我们得到更多的救恩。单身也并不等于更加属灵。 2、Doctors removed Torres fr...
The meaning of SACRAMENT is a Christian rite (such as baptism or the Eucharist) that is believed to have been ordained by Christ and that is held to be a means of divine grace or to be a sign or symbol of a spiritual reality. How to use sacrament in a se
sacramental,in the Roman Catholic Church, aid to devotion that is not a sacrament. Sacramentals are commonly divided into six classes: prayer, anointing, eating, confession, giving, and blessings. According to church teaching, sacramentals are not founded by God but by the church, and therefore...
(in the Christian Church) a religious ceremony or ritual regarded as imparting divine grace, such as baptism, the Eucharist, and (in the Catholic and many Orthodox Churches) penance and the anointing of the sick. (also the Blessed Sacrament or the Holy Sacrament) (in Catholic use) the conse...