AFZ Location of airport in Iran 跑道 Direction Length Surface ft m 09/27 10,428 3,178 Asphalt Source: World Aero Data 萨布泽瓦尔机场(波斯语:فםׯׯه Русскийязык)(IATA:AFZ,ICAO:OIMS)是位于伊朗拉扎维呼罗珊省萨布泽瓦尔的一个机场。 航空公司和目的地 航空公司...
伊朗-萨卜泽瓦尔机场(Sabzevar)三字代码_「物流巴士」 伊朗-萨卜泽瓦尔机场(Sabzevar)三字代码 机场三字代码 ZEVICAO OIMS 机场名 萨卜泽瓦尔机场 / Sabzevar城市 萨卜泽瓦尔 / Sabzevar 区域 / 国家 伊朗/ Iran 时区 5:00洲 Asia 海关机场 否 银行信息 首页 运价 联系 我的...
Razavi Khorasan Province - Iran 2025-03-20 Thursday 36.22N, 57.67ESabzevarWeather 30 Days Forecast Satellite+Radar Map × Sabzevar Razavi Khorasan Province - Iran 2025-03-20 2025-03-20 07:0617° Sunny AQI 22 Today: It's Cloudy during the day and Partly Cloudy at night, hotter than...
闪电 常见问题 语言 联系 新闻简报 关于我们 机场: 欧洲 非洲 北美洲 南美洲 亚洲 澳大利亚-大洋洲 其他 纬度: 36-13N, 经度: 057-40E, 海拔: 941米 机场互动地图。 可查询的机场以黄色和红色小点在地图上表示。 将鼠标移到上方,可查看机场名称。
Iran's Sabzevar Steel Complex has settled all the necessary issues to complete the next phase of an800,000 tpy steel mill construction in Sabzevar, Razavi Khorasan province, Metal Expert learnt from aninterview of the provincial authorities' representative for the local media.World Steel Capacity ...
Sabzevar经纬度及电子地图 城市中文名称 : 城市英文名称 : Sabzevar 州或国家代码 : IRAN 国家中文名 : 伊朗 国家英文名 : Iran 城市所在纬度 : 36°13'00.00"N 城市所在经度 : 57°42'00.00"E
IRDT - Iran Daylight Time UTC / GMT Offset +3:30 hours during Iran Standard Time, currently in use. +4:30 hours during Iran Daylight Time. Daylight Saving Time Change +1:00 hour - DST is NOT in use Daylight Saving Time Starts
Please include sales tax, such as General Sales Tax (GST) and Value Added Tax (VAT), in the prices you enter. If something is not applicable to this city or you don't know the value, please just leave it empty. Clothing And Shoes...
Mashhad246.35 km Also, consider looking into aggregate data forAverage in Iran Sign Up for Our Newsletter: Your Email Address: Nearby cities: Property Prices inEsfarayen111.29 km Property Prices inNishapur112.34 km Property Prices inBojnord177.66 km ...
IRDT - Iran Daylight Time UTC / GMT Offset +3:30 hours during Iran Standard Time, currently in use. +4:30 hours during Iran Daylight Time. Daylight Saving Time Change +1:00 hour - DST is NOT in use Daylight Saving Time Starts