Plugandsocket-outletsystemsforhouseholdandsimilarpurposesforuseinSouthAfricaPart0:Generalandsafety requirements家用和类似用途插头插座第0部分通用和安全要求 SANS60669-1 Switchesforhouseholdandsimilarfixed-electricalinstallationsPart1:Generalrequirements 家用和类似用途固定式电气装置的开关第1部分:通用要求 ...
Quality assurance, Accreditation and Metrology (SQAM) infrastructure in the South African Development Community (SADC). SABS hosts the secretariat of the regional standard
South African National Bureau of Standards (South African Bureau of Standards, SABS) was enacted in 1945, "National Standards Law" was established, is a subsidiary body of South African Trade and Industry. SABS in South Africa as a neutral third-party certification body responsible for South Afri...
3, all tests should be strictly according to related standards in South Africa to complete the project and will meet the NRCS report and other technical documents submitted; 4, the entire certification process includes two parts: test report review and consistency check sample; (note: check the ...
Foreword This South African standard was approved by National Committee STANSA TC 5120.20, Engineering materials, in accordance with procedures of Standards South Africa, in compliance with annex 3 of the WTO/TBT agreement. This edition cancels and replaces edition 1.5 (SANS 1431:2003). Appendices...
SABS has a significant role to play in the development of a Standards, Quality assurance, Accreditation and Metrology (SQAM) infrastructure in the South African Development Community (SADC). SABS hosts the secretariat of the regional standard coordination forum, SADCSTAN, and the legal metrology grou...
6) South African National Intelligence Service 南非国家情报局补充资料:国家标准局(见中国标准化行政管理机构) 国家标准局(见中国标准化行政管理机构) State Bureau of Standards,China: see standardization administrative authorities in China G州iaB舰huniu国家标准局(StateB~ofs切叮ds记s,China)见中国标准化...
DevelopmentOrganizations(SDOs)inSouthAfrica 南非标准制定组织的认知要求 3SANS2Lead-acidstarterbatteries 铅酸启动电瓶 4SANS205Roadvehicles-Elastomericcupsandsealsfor hydraulicbrakeactuatingcylindersusinganon-petroleumbase hydraulicbrakefluid(servicetemperature70℃max.) ...
Methods of test for assessment of the fire integrity of electric cables Part 2: Test for unprotected small cables for use in emergency circuits with a 930 ?C flame and with water spray 电缆耐火完整性评估的测试方法 第2部分 用930℃火焰和水喷雾对用于应急电路的无保护小电缆的测试 3 VC 80...
// COPYRIGHT RESERVED Printed in the Republic of South Africa by the South African Bureau of Standards SABS IEC 60439-2 SABS ed. ZIEC ed. 3 Notice This part of SABS IEC 60439 was approved in accordance with SABS procedures on 1 November 2001. NOTE 1 In terms of the ...