Golden Joystick Awards 2023 - Best Indie Game Playtest! The pitch for game #3 Next Best DebutIndie Game of 2018 In The Know Join 298 458 other subscribers and get the major announcements from Sabotage Studio straight in your inbox. Email address Subscribe...
Sabotage is an indie video game studio that specializes in games with retro aesthetics and modern game design.Top Sellers -30% ¥ 165.00 ¥ 115.50 Released on 28 Aug, 2023 “Sea of Stars is a turn-based RPG inspired by the classics. It tells the story of two Children of the ...
Sabotage is an indie video game studio that specializes in games with retro aesthetics and modern game design.Top Sellers ¥ 165.00 Released on 28 Aug, 2023 “Sea of Stars is a turn-based RPG inspired by the classics. It tells the story of two Children of the Solstice who will ...
Sabotage Studio新作《星之海》“Gone Go 【ITBEAR科技资讯】7月29日,将于2023年8月30日发售的角色扮演游戏《星辰之海》(Sea of Stars)宣布已“掉金”。 这一消息让玩家们十分期待。 该游戏由 Sabotage Studio 开发并发行,将登陆 PlayStation 4、PlayStation 5、Nintendo Switch、Xbox Series S|X、Xbox One ...
Sabotage is an indie video game studio that specializes in games with retro aesthetics and modern game design.
2021年6月28日,由Sabotage Studio开发制作的回合制RPG游戏《Sea of Stars》发布了新的实机演示视频,展示了游戏内的探索玩法。角色设定 游戏中的主角将使用结合太阳和月亮的力量来使用日蚀魔法,这是唯一能够抵御被称为血肉术士的邪恶炼金术士的怪物创造的力量。游戏设定 将会有动态多样的战斗系统,可用角色都有独特的...
除了《星之海》还有“洛克人”,“重现经典”在今年是门好生意?再过一个半月,《星之海》(Sea of Stars)就将与全球玩家正式见面。这款游戏出自Sabotage Studio之手,单看这个名字相信很多玩家都会感到陌生,但若搬出他们的成名作《信使》(The Messenger),或许大家就会顺着这款长得很像FC版《忍者龙剑传》的作品...
近日,Sabotage Studio的首席执行官Thierry Boulanger在加拿大广播电台的一次访谈中透露了一些令人振奋的消息:他们正在积极开发独立RPG游戏《星之海》的附加内容(DLC),并且还在筹备下一款全新游戏。 在这场访谈中,Thierry Boulanger不仅确认了DLC的开发计划,而且还公布了该DLC的命名为“钟表匠的痛苦”。这个名字既神秘又引人...
Sabotage Studio Sabotage Website 关注 8,483 关注者 精选列表浏览关于 “Sabotage is an indie video game studio that specializes in games with retro aesthetics and modern game design.” 8,483 创建者的关注者 0 已发布评测 链接 Sabotage Website ...