Download SABnzbd 4.4.1 / 4.5.0 Beta 2 for Mac - A free and open-source binary newsgroup downloader specially made to help you download, verify and extract files from various usenet indexing services
API的调用queue和history现在可以被filterd nzo_id。 Windows:Temporary Download作业文件夹不再具有最大长度。 Windws / macOS:将UnRar更新为6.0.0,将MultiPar更新为1.3.1.3。 错误修复 从队列中删除作业后,内存可能会泄漏。 向导期间使用活动的浏览器URL。 修复或重试作业可能会导致崩溃。 API调用未reset_quota返回...
SABnzbd - The automated Usenet download tool SABnzbd is an Open Source Binary Newsreader written in Python. It's totally free, easy to use, and works practically everywhere. SABnzbd makes Usenet as simple and streamlined as possible by automating everything we can. All you have to do is add...
默认的下载文件夹是/home/sabnzbd/Downloads。如果要将其更改为另一个目录,例如外部硬盘,请单击SABnzbd web界面中的文件夹菜单。然后单击浏览器按钮进行更改。请注意,sabnzbd用户需要对下载目标文件夹具有读写权限。如果使用外部USB硬盘,可以运行以下命令授予权限。sudo setfacl-R-mu:sabnzbd:rwx/media/linuxbabe/ ...
Well the /c/media was created by the readynas Installation and the Downloads/Complete was created by myself in sabnzbd configuration folder settings.When I look at the c/media share settings it is shared in CIFS AFP and HTTPS in Default Access Read/Write.In the Advanced Share optio...
I simply want to browse my favourite torrent and NZB sites and pick my downloads as I go but I'd like to be able to do this from within the NAS e.g from work I cannot download torrents and NZB files but I do have access to the NAS via a browser. If I could then run a bro...
sabnzbd Public SABnzbd - The automated Usenet download tool Python 2.4k 345 Public The Project Site & Manual HTML 9 18 Repositories Loading Type Language Sort Showing 3 of 3 repositories sabctools Public C implementations of functions for use within SAB...
I've been running SABnzbd on my PC for a while and typically get ~3.2MB/s download (which is basically my entire cable modem pipe). I just got the DS212j and installed SABnzbd on that. No problems on the installation but noticed that I'm only getting ~1.7MB/s for download. Looking...
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The biggest site about Usenet. Learn how to download and post with our tutorials about binary newsgroups!