铁威马在TOS中为Docker设计了一套友好的用户界面,Docker是一个开源的引擎,可以轻松的为任何应用创建一个轻量级的、可移植的、自给自足的容器。 1.TOS应用中心安装docker; 2.在Docker注册表搜索框中输入SABnzbd,选择镜像文件,下载; 3.下载完成后,在映象界面,查看下载映象; 4.选中映象,点击启用,设置卷,点击“新增”...
1.前往应用中心安装 Docker应用。 2.在 Docker 注册表搜索框中输入 SABnzbd,选择镜像文件。 3.选中镜像文件,然后点下载。 4.前往映像,查看镜像文件是否下载完成。 5.选中镜像文件,然后点启用。 6. 编辑“卷”,点击“新增”,增加文件路径和装载路径,完成后,点击“应用”。 7. 前往容器>详情>总览,查看 tcp 端口。
docker run --name SABnzbd -d \ -p 8080:8080 \ --env 'SABNZBD_REL=latest' \ --env 'UID=99' \ --env 'GID=100' \ --env 'UMASK=0000' \ --env 'DATA_PERMS=770' \ --volume /mnt/cache/appdata/sabnzbd:/sabnzbd \ --volume /mnt/user/Downloads:/mnt/downloads \ --volume /mnt...
pazport / docker-sabnzbd 1 0 0 1 Created September 13, 2020 15:29 Updated December 29, 2022 12:39 ajw107 / docker-sabnzbd 0 0 0 0 Created August 28, 2016 19:32 Updated August 14, 2021 14:56 AmirulAndalib / docker-sabnzbd 0 0 0 0 Created February 5, 2023 03:05 Updated ...
"//localip/docker/pc/sabnzbd" sabnzbddata: driver_opts: type: cifs o: "username=hidden,password=hidden,vers=1.0" device: "//localip/data/usenet" prowlarrconfig: driver_opts: type: cifs o: "username=hidden,password=hidden,vers=1.0" device: "//localip/docker/pc/prowlarr" services: glue...
Docker Desktop docker-compose,windows rimelek(Ákos Takács)September 17, 2024, 7:41pm3 johnd76: I know this was posted 7 year ago Just 8 months ago, but an answer can help anyone in the future. Just to extend the answer, the port forwarding was not allowed in the sabnzbd service as...
Just to clarify, this is the Synology-native version of sabnzbd, not the Docker version. And, according to Task Manager, Python is taking only a fraction of a percent. It's a process called par2 that's eating everything up. And, I have rebooted a couple of times. Comment Reply...
So I am a bit knew to this but how can I update SABnzbd ? Its not running on docker. I downloaded from the Synocomunity package center. Responses (1-2) Sorted by Oldest T Tyler @7even7527 Apr 19, 2019 0 Likes Toggle Dropdown ok so when I go click on the update tap it ...
Monit allows automated server monitoring. This post shows how to monitor SABnzbd process status and auto restart SABnzbdplus if it is not running.
259 SABnzbdVPN¶ Description¶ SABnzbd is a Docker build script for Arch Linux base withSABnzbd,PrivoxyandOpenVPNall included in one image. The support forum for SABnzbdVPN is locatedhere. Install/Setup¶ This application does not have any specific setup instructions documented. If you need ...