Sabine was born on Krownest in the waning years of the Galactic Republic, into Clan Wren of House Vizsla. Her mother Ursa Wren was a member of Death Watch during a time when Mandalore had fallen into chaos after the collapse of the Mandalorian government, near the end of the Clone Wars....
Kathleen Kennedy updates her Lucasfilm status...sort of 3/1/2025 by Michael Weyer Along Main Street This unappreciated aspect of Star Wars is what made me a fan 3/1/2025 by Mehwish Mahmood Discover the Source of the Zombie Outbreak in a New ‘Night of ...
guest Free plan |Upgrade settingsAccount settings info Join the Beta to test our latest design updates.Find out more. Join Beta close All games Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017) Mods Models and Textures Sabine Wren from Ahsoka tv series UPDATED ...
專門推出電影道具復刻的 Anovos Productions公司,宣布推出動畫《Star Wars Rebels》幽靈小隊 Sabine Wren 的頭盔。 Sarbine Wren 是幽靈小隊其中的一員,同時也是Mandalorian 成員、武器和爆破專家。 商品現正以推廣價usd499在官網接受預訂,第一次發貨期為2017年冬季。
Natasha Liu Bordizzo 和 Ivanna Sakhno 在这里为了wolfwren,这个名字是粉丝给她们在《阿索卡》里的对手角色起的cp名,不过,早在第一集登陆 Disney+ 之前,两人就为Bordizzo饰演的 Sabine Wren 和 Sakhno 饰演的 Shin Hati 之间的联系创造了自己的cp名:"Shabine" ...
A recentStar Warscosplay showsSabine Wrenas a true Jedi Knight wielding a green lightsaber, confirming her Jedi path from theAhsokashow. Sabine was introduced inStar Wars Rebelsas a spunky Mandalorian with a complicated family history, but theAhsokashow saw her in a very different role. BetweenRe...
Interests:Star Wars, drawing, collecting action figures and comic books PostedApril 22, 2020 Coming this summer, fromGentle Giant, Ltd., theSabine Wren mini-bust features interchangeable helmeted and non-helmeted heads, as well as hands with blaster and Darksaber. ...
The Star Wars: The Vintage Collection Sabine Wren and Chopper 2-pack is priced at $49.99 and will be released in Fall 2024. If you missed out on the original reveal of The Ghost, you can check out the slideshow gallery below for a closer look at the ship and the includ...
MOC人仔-星战SW..我之前的MOC人仔之TCW系列已接近尾声,只有几个零星的主题,或许以后解决完烂尾会发贴。接下来,沿着时间线,进入SWR系列,就以我最喜欢的SWR角色Sabine Wren的人仔来启动吧。
Another fan-favorite character fromStar Warsanimation is coming to live-action.Deadlineis reporting that actress Natasha Liu Bordizzo has been cast as Sabine Wren in the upcoming miniseriesStar Wars: Ahsoka. Sabine was one of the main characters inStar Wars Rebels, where she was voiced by Tiya ...