Her mother Ursa Wren was a member of Death Watch during a time when Mandalore had fallen into chaos after the collapse of the Mandalorian government, near the end of the Clone Wars. Trained from an early age in through the Mandalorian warrior culture, Sabine forged her distinctive armor with...
Coming this summer, from Gentle Giant, Ltd., the Sabine Wren mini-bust features interchangeable helmeted and non-helmeted heads, as well as hands with blaster and Darksaber. ❮
The Star Wars: The Vintage Collection Sabine Wren and Chopper 2-pack is priced at $49.99 and will be released in Fall 2024. If you missed out on the original reveal of The Ghost, you can check out the slideshow gallery below for a closer look at the ship and the includ...
REBELS Mandalorian SABINE WREN, wearing her iconic armor. She is seen with her short purple hair, not wearing her helmet. Characters in set include Amidala, Bo-Katan, Lando Calrissian, Droids, Enfys Nest, Boba Fett, Grogu, Han Solo, Chirrut Îmwe, Jyn Erso, Kylo Ren, Luke & Leia, ...
In case you missed it, the Mandalorian spin-off series Ahsoka has just found its Sabine Wren. However, it has been revealed that the beloved character will not be played by original voice actress Tiya Sircar. Not surprisingly, fans are stepping up to defend the Star Wars Rebels actor...
Sabine finally unlocking her Force powers may have huge implications for Rey'sStar Wars: New Jedi Ordermovie. Sabine Wren becoming Ahsoka Tano’s apprentice in theAhsokashow was a big twist. InStar Wars Rebels, the Mandalorian Rebel never showed any indication of being connected to the Force, ...
ImpressiveAhsoka-inspired Star Wars art perfectly captures Ahsoka Tano’s new Jedi Padawan, Sabine Wren. One of the biggest surprises of the Ahsoka show was the reintroduction of the Mandalorian Sabine Wren as a Jedi in training. Before, in Star Wars Rebels, where she made her debut, there ...