The following is AI-generated garbage unilaterally shoved onto the wiki by Fandom. In the Fourth Holy Grail War, the Servant of Kiritsugu is Artoria Pendragon, recognized as Saber. She is a legendary figure, famously known as the King of Knights, and upholds a strict code of honor. Provide...
T. H. White, in The Once and Future King, presents Kay as a spoiled child who hates to be second in anything; as a result, he grows up to be a selfish adult. But the most common explanation for Kay’s disposition is simply "tradition," as most authors do not discuss Kay’s ...
原文链接: 简而言之就是亚瑟王英文维基百科的搬运(+翻译)。内容大概是这些: 加上一些自己想说的话。 二楼(如果我抢得到的话)会是目录层,三楼是修正层。 【需要转载请私聊我】 saber 8-25 365 {伪直播} 追寻吾王之旅 Kev 一楼祭度娘敬吧...