2.查询结果:COC Certificate OR QM Certificate如下图: 如果是这种结果,就需要申请以下证书 A:PC证书Certificate of conformity for regulated products(受管制产品的合格证书) B:SC证书:Shipment Conformity cercificate for imported products(进口产品装运合格证明) 需要资料:填写申请表+产品测试报告+ commercial invoi...
ASTC+ authorised by SASO to facilitate Saudi Saber certificate, COC certificate, Shipment Certificate, Saudi Saber certificate fee, Saber certification process, Saber certification time, and Saber certification fee
支付相应的认证费用。审核和批准:SABER机构将审核您的出口单据申请,并在通过后发放SC(Shipment Certific...
How do you get a Saber system certificate? Crane Worldwide Logistics in Saudi Arabia has a dedicated SABER system desk to support your incoming shipments into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) to help with SABER registration. If you are exporting to Saudi Arabia, please don't hesitate to ...
Step 5 Registration of shipment conformity certificate 运输合格证书是指在注册了受监管产品的合格证书或注册非受监管产品的自我申报后,由沙特标准颁发的进口产品的合格证书。 Shipment Conformity Certificate: ancertificate issued by the Saudi Arabian Standards for imported products after registering a conformity cer...
All consignment of products intended to be imported to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia must present the Certificate of Shipment Conformity at Saudi Customs for a smooth clearance. How to Get Startedhttps://saber.sa/
SASO是英文Saudi Arabian Standards Organization的缩写 ,即沙特阿拉伯标准组织。SASO负责为所有的日用品及产品制定国家标准,标准中还涉及度量制度,标识等。SASO认证是出口沙特认证的统称,实际上应该叫certificate of conformity认证,翻译为符合性声明,即COC认证(取三个单词的第一个字母)。因此把SASO认证字样打在产品...
(an insurance certificate (if goods are insured by the exporter) ) 沙特DDP服装清关是一项专业的贸易服务,主要为在沙特的服装进出口业务提供清关服务。该服务以Door to Door(DDP)为主要处理方式,即从发货地到收货地实现全程承运和清关服务,让客户不必操心物流和清关手续,简化业务操作流程,减少货物的运输和清关时间...
(a steamship (or airline) company certificate) 沙特海外仓狗防水靴小包是一款针对狗的实用配件,它可以非常有效地保护您的狗免受多种天气和环境的影响。这个小包包含一双优质的狗用防水靴,为狗爪提供准确地保护,防止狗爪和脚掌遭受伤害或感染。 沙特物流现状 沙特Saber认证免预约一手 沙特物流现状 沙特Saber认证 香...
PCOC是Certificate of Conformity for regulated prodects 英文缩写的通称,即管制产品合格(符合性)证书。是SABER认证第一阶段需要申请的证书。 6.什么是SCOC? SCOC是Shipment Conformity certificate for imported prodects 英文缩写的通称,即进口产品装运合格证书。是SABER认证第二阶段需要申请的证书,也是沙特进口商清关...