Remember, our Creator gave us a seventh-day rest based on the lights in the heavens.Genesis 1:14It is Lucifer who has removed from the minds of man the original created heavenly luminaries given for time, replacing them with a calendar that hangs only on the walls of a man's home. Thi...
Apply:What is the relationship between our love for Jesus and obedience? Why is any kind of “obedience” not based on love in danger of being legalism? Share:Your friend asks you if you believe in Jesus because you have seen signs and miracles, or because of what the Bible says about ...
1–22admonishesthe Jews to be ritually pure for the approaching festival ofPassover(Pesaḥ). Ha-Ḥodesh (“the month”) falls shortly before Passover; the text is from Exodus 12:1–20. These four Sabbaths are known by thecollectiveHebrew namearbaʿ parashiyyot(“four [Bible] ...
Genesis 2:3 ...'And Godblessedthe seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.' Exodus 20:11 ...'For in six daysthe Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and restedthe seventh day: wher...
as well as anywhere in time, even in the future in the new earth. Jesus is calling you to spend 24 hours of time just with Him, and when better to do it than the Holy, one on one time that He created just for that purpose. Would you like to spend some special, dedicated time ...
on how individuals were to observe the Sabbath. For the most part, however, they had become burdensome. As each of the synoptic writers record, Jesus concluded His discussion on the Sabbath by asserting His authority with the emphatic statement “the son of man is also Lord of the Sabbath....
You created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. I should do the same. I acknowledge that you have a plan for me and that tomorrow's workweek can wait. I know that no matter what happens, the tasks will get down if I steward my time well and observe periods of rest....
The name Sabbath in the Bible Sabbath is the name of the seventh and last day of the week (Exodus 20:8), and is the only day of the week with a Hebrew name (the other days are numbered but not named). In the Greek New Testament, the name Sabbath is spelled σαββατον ...
The divine privilege to bless another person comes from each of us being created in the image and likeness of God. “Within our DNA is an inbuilt desire to receive spiritual blessing—it is the way God has made us. God’s first action after creating man (male and female) was to bless...
This is a very good question, and one I have no good answer to. Why indeed would anyone want to look for any reason whatsoever why not to love God and their fellow man? This was the very reason we were created and what life is all about. A loving relationship with our Creator and ...