Bad Meets Evil Songs Barry Harris Songs Bharat movie Songs Benjamin Biolay Songs Beth Hirsch Songs Bhagyaraj Songs Billie eilish-idontwannabeyouanymore Songs Bionic Man Sound Songs Billy Idol Songs Bizarre Songs Billie Holiday Songs Black Thought Songs BlocBoy JB Songs Blood ...
but it didn’t matter as nothing stood a chance at topping ‘Master of Reality’ anyway. Tony Iommi took his riffing brawn to new depths, tuning down to C#, giving songs like the chugging “Children of the Grave” and the lurching churn of “Into the Void” a considerable boost. Threat...
but it didn’t matter as nothing stood a chance at topping ‘Master of Reality’ anyway. Tony Iommi took his riffing brawn to new depths, tuning down to C#, giving songs like the chugging “Children of the Grave” and the lurching churn of “Into the Void” a considerable boost. Threat...
we decided to do the two main ones – the history version and the standard edition – is simply because there are a lot of people today who like to enjoy music by just choosing their favourites, one or two songs, put them into their favourite playlist, and just let it be like that. ...
be spoken about for years and decades to come. ‘Lateralus’ especially can be regarded as the defining album of the modern era, navigating labyrinthine concepts and arrangements with seeming ease, coming off with the same ease of appeal as most standard rock songs. Let that be a testimony ...
Vildhjarta have recaptured that momentum with a pair of new songs, “Toxin,” the better of the two (in our estimation, anyway) and “Kaos2.” There’s an atonal density here that is suffocating — the kind of sound that you know if you heard it live, it would feel like your lungs...
When the pandemic came along we decided to extend the World War One theme into a second album and “Hellfighters” and “Christmas Truce” were the first two songs we got in there. I know what we will be doing next but I can’t say anything yet as it’ll spoil the sur...
The songs “To Hell and Back”, “The Last Stand” and “Primo Victoria” have been streamed more than 200 million times on Spotify alone, where SABATON boasts more than two million monthly listeners. Over a million YouTube subscribers share in the band’s dual passions for hard rock and...
The biggest saving grace here is “Desert Plains” which is among their most underrated songs and truly an all-time great that rides steady at a nervous pace and can be played at different tempos without losing its impact. “Heading Out to the Highway” and “Hot Rockin” represent the ot...
I’m more involved with the music writing than the lyrics. It’s alwaysJoakimandPärwho write the lyrics, because they’re the history buffs, I don’t know much about history at all. I learned from theSabatonsongs. (laughs) If they feel like it’s fitting the album, it will be on...