正式生产的Saab-21有三种型号:使用西斯帕诺机炮的J-21A-1,54架;使用博福斯机炮、改进航电的J-21A-2,124架;能携带火箭弹的战斗轰炸型J-21A-3,119架。 这是架后来的Saab-21R,注意其机腹挂载的武器 跨入喷气时代 Saab-21R Saab-21服役的同一年,萨伯公司还计划使用劳斯莱斯引擎进一步挖掘Saab-21的潜力。但在意...
正式生产的Saab-21有三种型号:使用西斯帕诺机炮的J-21A-1,54架;使用博福斯机炮、改进航电的J-21A-2,124架;能携带火箭弹的战斗轰炸型J-21A-3,119架。 这是架后来的Saab-21R,注意其机腹挂载的武器 跨入喷气时代 Saab-21R Saab-21服役的同一年,萨伯公司还计划使用劳斯莱斯引擎进一步挖掘Saab-21的潜力。但在意...
分享图片:瑞典SAAB J.21R战斗机 û收藏 10 4 ñ4 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...相关推荐 e刷新 +关注 环球时报 12月15日 21:50 【50年尘封!#军事绝密816地下核工程重见世人#】“816”代表着一个埋藏在重庆山区地下50年的重大国家机密,...
铸造模型Special Hobby 72480 萨博SAAB A-21R航模 优惠价¥120价格¥120 发货地:北京 120元 去淘宝购买 铸造模型 进入淘宝店铺 声明:此商品数据来源由淘宝官方接口提供,所有交易过程在淘宝或天猫与第三方卖家进行,本网站不参与交易,如有交易产生的疑问请联系淘宝卖家【铸造模型】,如需删除此页面请联系本站 >> ...
(J 21) was equally powerful, as it was armed with a 20 mm cannon, either a Bofors or a Hispano-Suiza HS.404, and 2X 13,2mm Bofors machineguns at the nose, with 2X 13,2mm Bofors machineguns in the wings. The J 21R received an even much more considerable firepower, as it ...
(J 21) was equally powerful, as it was armed with a 20 mm cannon, either a Bofors or a Hispano-Suiza HS.404, and 2X 13,2mm Bofors machineguns at the nose, with 2X 13,2mm Bofors machineguns in the wings. The J 21R received an even much more considerable firepower, as it ...
If the A21R had fallen short of success, it gave Saab’s engineers a wealth of experience. Even before the last A 21R was retired, Saab was rapidly moving up the ladder as one of the world’s leading designers of military jet aircraft. The sweptwing J29 Tunnan, which flew in 1948,...
As a result, the J 21R was developed and introduced, with the first prototype taking flight in 1947 and then entering service in 1950. This ‘new’ fighter required some structural changes so to cope with the new power plant, like up to 50% of its airframe. First, the main body was ...