牌号:SA479 316L NiFe45 类型:热作模具钢 形状:板材 加工工艺:锻制 产地:进口 布氏硬度:标准 C含量:标准% Mn含量:标准% Si含量:标准% 用途:广泛 SA479 316L NiFe45 模具钢六角铁 四角钢,H220BD+ZF HX220+Z H260BD+Z, H260BD+ZF八角钢 方钢DC51D+Z DC51D+ZF DD51D+Z DC52D+Z, 扁钢 圆钢DC...
Find in-depth details on SA-479 Type 316L in ASME: exact chemical makeup, physical and thermal properties, strength ratings, and ideal applications. Total Materia equips you with clear, specific data for engineering and manufacturing decisions.
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