onmaterialproperties.ThetestresultsindicatethatthepropertiesofSA一335P91producedby BaosteelmeettherelevantrequirementsspecifiedinstandardsofASMEandGB5310- 2008andthe steelcanbeused,asasubstitutefortheimportedcounterpart,inthemanufactureofsupercritical anduhrasupercriticalstationboilers. ...
Keywords: SA~335P91+12Cr1MoVGꎻ dissimilarsteeljointꎻ E60~B3gradeweldingmaterialꎻ microstructureꎻ mechanicalproperties 0 前言 SA~335P91 钢属于高强度马氏体耐热钢ꎬ具有优良 的高温强度、冲击韧性、抗氧化性能及抗高温蒸汽腐蚀 性能ꎮ 目前ꎬSA~335P91 主要用于亚临界、超临界火电 机组锅炉的过热器...
Material Carbon Steel Surface Treatment Black Usage Pipeline Transport, Boiler Pipe, Hydraulic/Automobile Pipe, Oil/Gas Drilling, Food/Beverage/Dairy Products, Machinery Industry, Chemical Industry, Mining, Construction & Decoration, Special Purpose...
P91, P11, 15CrMo, 34CrMo4 Material Alloy Steel Surface Treatment Bare Pipe, Coating by Buyer′s Requirement Usage Pipeline Transport, Oil/Gas Drilling, Chemical Industry, Mining, Special Purpose, Boiler Industry, Power Plant Section Shape Round ...
Model NO. ASME P5 P9 P11 P22 P91 Type Seamless/Welded Technique Hot Rolled/Cold Rolled Material Alloy Steel Surface Treatment Varnishing Usage Pipeline Transport, Boiler Pipe, Hydraulic/Automobile Pipe, Oil/Gas Drilling, Food/Beverage/Dairy Products, Machine...
9. Tensile and Hardness Requirements 9.1 The tensile properties of the material shall conform to the requirements prescribed in Table 3. 9.2 Table 4 list elongation requirements. 9.3 Pipe of Grades P91, P92, P911, and P122 shall have a hardness not exceeding 250 HB/265 HV [25 HRC]. ...
内容提示: 2007 SECTION II, PART A SA-335/SA-335MSPECIFICATION FOR SEAMLESS FERRITIC ALLOY-STEEL PIPE FOR HIGH-TEMPERATURE SERVICESA-335/SA-335M(Identical with ASTM Specif i cation A 335/A 335M-03 except for the revised heat treatment requirements for Grades P23, P91, P92, P911 andP122...
Ordering Information 7.1 The pipe manufacturer shall explore a sufficient number of visual surface imperfections to provide reasonable assurance 3.1 Orders for material under this specification should that they have been properly evaluated with respect to depth. include the following, as required, to ...
This paper analyzes chemical composition and mechanical properties of SA335-P92 steel and welding material. 分析SA335-P92钢与焊材的化学成分及力学性能,针对某电厂超超临界机组锅炉主蒸汽管道、再热热段管道的焊接经验,对SA335-P92钢焊前坡口检查控制、管道对口控制、焊前预热控制、现场焊接工艺控制、焊后热处...
ASTM A335 P91 P92 P11 P12 P22 Seamless Alloy Steel tube Outer Dimensions: 19.05mm 114.3mm Wall Thickness: 2.0mm 14 mm Length: Max 16000mm Packing: Bare packing/bundle packing/crate packing/wooden protection at the both sides of tubes and suitably protected for sea...