ALERT GUARD SA320CN-2 Dual Sensor Smoke Alarm Optimal sensing of smoke particles produced in both flaming and smoldering fires. Product features: • Utilizes both ionization and photoelectric smoke sensors for optimal performance • Intelligent sensing technology reduces non- emergency or nuisance ...
SA320CN As others have stated, product image does not match the product. However the product description is correct. Price was much lower than expected so was worried would get not the model I thought it was or much older manufactured dates. This is First Alert dual sensor sm...
SA320CNAs others have stated, product image does not match the product. However the product description is correct. Price was much lower than expected so was worried would get not the model I thought it was or much older manufactured dates. This is First Alert dual senso...
雅马拓 YAMATO SA320 振臂器通过采用DC刷马达,可以得到从低速到高速的稳定的旋转。紧凑的同时实现了宽裕的负荷振动。因为有计时器,所以可以任意的时间设定。如果把SA300 / 320本体直接倒倒的话,可以进行水平振,可以进行垂直和水平的两元振荡,可以使用范围。旋回振的SA 320型,作为水平时的发夹能得到很高的效果。
“现货供应SA320L7M圆钢/ASTM SA320L7M螺栓用钢”详细介绍 ·· 产品信息· 材质080M15 · 执行标准:ASTM· 080M15板材现货厚度2.0-120mm080M15圆钢现货规格:8.0-380mm· 状态:退火· 产地:宝钢、进口、兴澄特钢· 080M15合金钢用途080M15合金高强 ,因其 的综合力学性能,广泛用于制造发动机的凸轮轴及连杆等重...
部件名TSP320SA 下载TSP320SA下载 文件大小109.73 Kbytes 页7 Pages 制造商PANJIT [Pan Jit International Inc.] 网页 标志 功能描述SURFACEMOUNTBI-DIRECTIONALTHYRISTORSURGEPROTECTORDEVICE Features • Protects by limiting voltages and shunting surge currents away from sensitive circui...
零件号 MTB320SA 类别 描述 全尺寸(7.3 毫米或 4.7 毫米高度) 公司 ETC 数据表 下载MTB320SA 数据表 功能,应用 工业标准封装或 3.3 伏丙HCMOS、正弦波、夹头针至1.000GHz稳定性降低至±1ppm H选项 = HCMOS 输出频率范围频率稳定负载电源电流输出频率稳定负载电源电流输出 160.000MHz 向下 ±1ppm 10K 欧姆 ...
这二者都是卖的最好的,差异不大的,金士顿SA400M8/120GBKCN感觉速度稳定一些些。个人用这两款都很棒的,看个人用途的,综合起来还是更推荐金百达KP320 256G吧,不仅反应灵敏而且运行超快。!传输速度:特别快,比我的1T硬盘快多啦。游戏效果:买了主要做移动硬盘用的兼容属性:以兼容各种系统。质保年限:商家承诺三年质保...
国家: Argentina 型号: ASPEN NU320 离岸价格: 获取最新报价 位置: ARGENTINA 最小订单价格: - 最小订单: 200 包装细节: - 交货时间: - 供应能力: 100000 付款方式: - 產品組 : - 现在联系 DAMEDCO SA Argentina 免费会员 联系人 Mr. pablo GIRARDOT 1449, BUENOS AIRES, BUENOS ...