F304H属于美标高温承压零件用奥氏体不锈钢锻件,执行标准:ASME SA965/SA965M 2010 F304H有良好的耐蚀性能和焊接性能,热强性能较好,主要用于大型锅炉过热器﹑再热器﹑蒸汽管道﹑石油化工的热交换器。F304H化学成分如下图:参见ASME IISA965 是奥氏体不锈钢锻件,成分接近304牌号不锈钢,成分要求如下...
6.2 For Grades F304H, F309H, F310H, F316H, F321H, This shall be taken from a prolongation of one of the F347H, and F348H, the minimum solution annealing tem- forgings from the same heat in the same heat treatment load. perature shall be 1925°F [1050°C]. 6.3 Grades FXM-11 ...
8. Mechanical Properties 8.1 Requirements — The material shall conform to the 6.2 For Grades F304H, F309H, F310H, F316H, F321H, requirements for mechanical properties prescribed in Table F347H, and F 348H, the minimum solution annealing tem- 2 or, if applicable, Supplementary Requirement ...