The serine protease inhibitor Serpin A1 and portions of its C‐terminal region have been investigated as collagen modulators. To clarify the mechanisms by which the C‐terminal 409–418 peptide SA1‐III increases extracellular type I collagen levels, to compare its activities range...
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(III) Final decision module (orange).The SSA-engine uses a Class proposal filter (i.e.a CLIP) to filter out the top-kmost reasonable predictions from the mixed class list. Finally, the Open-vocabulary Segmentor predicts the most suitable category within the mask region based on the top-k...
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(III) For semantic segmentation models with poor boundary segmentation, SSA can utilize SAM and the semantic voting mechanism to provide more accurate masks. However, for models that already have excellent segmentation performance, SSA cannot bring about a significant improvement. On the other hand, ...
Genome drafts of four phytoplasma strains of the ribosomal group 16SrIII Microbiology (United Kingdom), 158 (2012), pp. 2805-2814 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar [65] M. Šeruga, D. Škorić, S. Botti, S. Paltrinieri, N. Juretić, A.F. Bertaccini Molecular characterization...
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