A year and four months after a stamp used to authenticate documents was stolen at a home affairs office, a 24-year-old man presented a birth certificate bearing the same stamp to apply for an ID. The certificate, however, was found to be fake and was produced four months after the stamp...
香港特別行政區政府海事處MARINEDEPARTMENTTHEGOVERNMENTOFTHEHONGKONGSPECIALADMINISTRATIVEREGION本地遊樂船隻船長合格證明書考試申請表ApplicationtobeexaminedforaLocalCertificateofCompetencyasPleasureVesselMaster P/M 請選擇考試類別並於適當的方格內加上[]號Pleaseselecttheexaminationandticktheappropriatebox a)二級GradeIIb...
These should be provided as a PDF file electronically as a default + any paper documents specified required. Please note there is no requirement from ACS for any IELTS or equivalent testing results.Australian Computer Society Skills Assessment Application Checklist August 2011 Page 1 of 2 ...
the documents submitted will contain the person’s signature. birth certificate, birth extract, marriage certificate or divorce papers Australian citizenship or immigration papers apprenticeship papers, tradesperson’s certificate or letter from employer school report or examination certificate current bank, cr...
You will need to provide an alternative ID (other than your driver licence), such as a valid passport, Immi card, Australian or NZ birth certificate or citizenship certificate. Driver Accreditation (DA) You will need to submit a current Driver Accreditation certificate. For more information about...
(a) Where parents are travelling with a child, such parents must produce an unabridged birth certificate of the child reflecting the particulars of the parents of the child. (b) In the case of one parent travelling with a child, he or she must produce an unabridged birth certificate and- ...
Personal documents of worker (ID card, birth certificate, education certificate) 員工檔案及身份證明如身份证,暂住证副本 朱晓琴 Remedy action plan / remediation procedure童工補救計劃/程序 无童工 Young worker protection policy未成年工保護政策 无未成年 Young worker registration approval from labor bureau 未...
Services shall be deemed to be Goods for the purposes of this paragraph (i.e., the application of governing law). Buyer may, but is not obligated to, bring any action or claim relating to or arising out of the Order in the appropriate court, or arbitration forum, if arbitration is ...
Performance Indicator Annex 绩 效指标附件 Exclusion List 排除项列表 Procedure 200 程序文件ZOO Purpose 目的 Purpose 目的 Use用途 Coi^tei^t 内谷 (set reqiAirei^ei^ts o八) (设定审核要求) Created by SAAS to assure consistent Created by SAAS to assure consistent application of SASOOO certification...
Application-Name Applies-To App-Schema-Version Asset-Number Assistant associatedDomain associatedName Assoc-NT-Account attributeCertificateAttribute Attribute-Display-Names Attribute-ID Attribute-Security-GUID Attribute-Syntax Attribute-Types audio Auditing-Policy Authentication-Options Authority-Revocation-List Auxil...