欧美买家需要工厂的社会责任验厂报告(SMETA、BSCI、SA8000... Social audit Report)主要是出于以下几个原因:法律法规要求:在欧美等地区,法律法规要求企业要确保其供应链中的工人权益和劳动条件符合当地的法律法规,否则将面临法律责任。工厂的社会责任验厂报告可以证明工厂的合规性,为买家降低风险和责任。品牌形象和...
Sedex、SMETA、SA8000、AuditReport认证办理 Business Social Compliance Initiative(BSCI) BSCI认证的评级体系分为A、B、C、D和E五个级别,用于评估工厂的社会责任表现。要通过认证,工厂需要获得A、B或C级的评级,这表示他们在社会责任方面表现出色或至少基本合规,没有严重的合规问题,同时具备可持续性和社会责任表现。
Social audit principles under the BSCI standard cover rights of freedom of association and collective bargaining, discrimination, remuneration, working hours, occupational health and safety, child labor, special protection for young workers, precarious employment, bonded labor, protection of the environment,...
SEDEX(SEXED Member Ethical Trading Audit)系一种涵盖负责任商业实践所有方面的道德审计方法。作为一项多方利益相关者倡议,SEDEX致力于有限度地减少重复工作,并为成员和生产商提供一种他们可以轻松共享的审计格式。SEXED Report在SEDEX系统中发布,确保信息的透明和有效交换。 Workplace Conditions Assessment(WCA) WCA验厂审...
AuditReport、SA8000、WCA、SMETA认证流程费用 Business Social Compliance Initiative(BSCI) BSCI验厂内容包含一系列社会责任原则和标准,用于审查供应商和制造商的生产和制造活动。这涵盖了业益、工时、工资、工作条件和环境保护等多个方面。供应商需要遵守社会责任标准,提供文件和记录以证明他们的合规性。此外,BSCI验厂还...
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ScorePAYCE® ScoreDBT IndexMoody's RatingFitch RatingDBRS Rating YesYes--- Financials, News and Filings Latest StatementLast Audit NewsSEC FilingsBankruptcy FilingsSuit & Judgment FilingsTax Lien Filings 12/31/202412/31/2024YesYes--- Industries...
SAUSBCA wants to ensure this website is informative, fun, and manageable for all to use, so if the site changesCOLORor anARTICLEdisappears, don't be alarm, it's just our website Manager performing updates or changes to the site. Please contact the Association Manager or the website Manag...
正式于 2020年推出「 SA80000 审核整合工具 (Unified Audit Report & Data Collection Tool) 」。
- In audit_free_lsm_field of auditfilter.c, there is a possible bad kfree due to a logic error in audit_data_to_entry. This could lead to local escalation of privilege with no additional execution privileges needed. User interaction is not needed for exploitation.Product: AndroidVersions: ...