Dawson shimmies across his stumps and tries to scoop it to fine leg but can't connect and Pretoria Capitals manage to defend this paltry score. What an amusing and engrossing low-scoring cliffhanger that had everything. 19.5 0 Dupavillon to Dawson, no run, Rams a yorker...
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Reply Post by kirisame___marisa (2024-11-05 07:43):这个还是分不同情况的,能一次性秒了...
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Матч PNG Ac vs BST на United21 SA S2 CS 2 • Group B • Lower Bracket, Round 1 • 5августа 2024, 23:00 SGT • Best of 3 Статистика Турнир Group Stage Playoff Видео Видео (VOD’s) ещенедобавле...
Результатматча 28 ноября 2024 Sharks Esports против 20/70 натурнире CCT S2 SA #5 поигре CS 2. Playoff / 1/8