进入 SAP 系统并登录。打开 S_alr_87013611 报表。选择所需的明细信息,并使用菜单选项 "分析" 或 "数据导出"。选择导出的数据格式,例如,CSV,Excel 或 PDF。按照提示保存文件。完成导出。请注意,以上步骤仅作为参考,请仔细阅读 SAP 系统的帮助文档以确保正确操作。如果在操作过程中遇到问题,建议向...
It's not possible to create new sections dynamically according to selection criteria (for example: one section for each cost center, for excel transform to a new tab). But in a static way, you can do it, just add several cost center parameter in the selection screen ( zkostl1, zkostl2...