Epson SC-S80600 allows proofing to be extended to production substrates or substrates that come very close to the look and feel of the final production. GMG OpenColor allows a fast and easy characterization of the simulated color space based on spectral color information. To allow the use of ...
Epson SureColor S80600 Series 商品说明书
投影机过滤网 防尘网 规格: 外框22.3宽6.5厚2.5CM 适用于:EPSON爱普生S80680 S60680 S40680 Epson SureColor S80610 S80600 S80670 大幅面打印机 本店默认发中通快递。若此物流不到请联系店家指定物流公司,并补齐相应的运费差价。 可选物流:顺风、中通、韵达、龙邦、申通、速尔等。 联系人:郭先生 欢迎拨打 24 ...
1、在51驱动网下载‘爱普生Epson SureColor S80600’打印机驱动程序,解压后,根据自己系统,运行合适的安装文件,这里以64位系统为例,双击运行‘Epson SureColor S40600_64.exe’安装文件 2、选择打印机型号‘Epson SC-S80600 Series Comm Driver’,点击确定 ...