S8050is aNPN transistorhence the collector and emitter will be left open (Reverse biased) when the base pin is held at ground and will be closed (Forward biased) when a signal is provided to base pin. It has a maximum gain value of 400; this value determines the amplification capacity of...
A: Yes, Our product technical engineer will help you with the S8050 pinout information, application notes, replacement, datasheet in pdf, manual, schematic, equivalent, cross reference. VESWIN ELECTRONICS QUALITY ASSURANCE Quality Systems Registrar, certified Veswin Electronics to ISO 9001 standards. ...
Part Number: S8050 Function: Low voltage high current small signal NPN transistor Package: TO-92 Type Manufacturer: Unisonic Technologies Image and pinout : Description The UTCS8050is a low voltage high current small signal NPN transistor, designed for Class B push-pull audio amplifier and general ...
and the S9018 is a must-have for high-frequency applications. **Ease of Use and Accessibility** With a datasheet for the 2N3904 transistor and pinout information readily available, this assortment simplifies the process of selecting and using the right transistor for your project. The 2N5109 data...
A: Yes, Our product technical engineer will help you with the S8050 pinout information, application notes, replacement, datasheet in pdf, manual, schematic, equivalent, cross reference. VESWIN ELECTRONICS QUALITY ASSURANCE Quality Systems Registrar, certified Veswin Electronics to ISO 9001 standards. ...